Choppy FPS in AV

AV is horrible with really choppy FPS. I am on an i7/3060 system. I have tried lowering my graphics settings. zero fps chop in open world, shatt, or raids but in AV I basically stutter step from start to finish. All drivers are up to date. I run 120fps capped in raids, in shatt usually 90-100 but no chop. In AV it reports around 100 but its BAD

Disable all addons and try it again. Could be an outdated or poorly coded addon causing stutter. If it’s trying to do some kind of range checking, when there’s a ton of people in the BG, the cost starts to get out of control and will hitch you a lot, lowering your overall FPS.

zero change

Sometimes, disabling addons isn’t enough to stop some parts from running or to reset modifications they’ve made to the cvars. You might need to do a true interface reset then:

  1. Close game all the way
  2. Rename the interface and WTF folders
  3. Open WoW and log in
  4. Run the command: /console cvar_reset it might say some error but that’s fine, still works
  5. Run the command: /reload or /console reload to update your cvars on the server (don’t remember if classic can use the simple /reload one or not)
  6. Log out of the game and close the client
  7. Open it back up and try to see if the issue persists

Sometimes people will read guides on the internet that have the user change cvars for things like higher spell density or effects, but the reader doesn’t understand the performance implications of it when there’s 300000 casters spamming aoes in an AV match. Some addons also mess with them as well.

that didn’t work either. I did not issue any console commands to change cvar settings. The issue doesn’t matter if I am just riding across the zone or actually fighting something/someone. It only happens in AV.

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