Choosing Who you play with is NOT Gatekeeping

nope, just put on a shield and a 1h

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so does my hunter, does that make him a tank?

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Minimum prep is wotlk greens. dont need t6.

how am out dpsing epic geared peeps with a wotlk ret paladin and all i need to do is switch between seal of command and seal of corruption

Boostie greens don’t come close to Wrath lvl 70 greens.

you should have full wrath 70 greens before you even get to do UK

I feel like we are missing something here, is your group doing large pulls or small pulls

You can get off the boat and bee line into the dungeon, without acquiring any wrath gear. That’s what this boostie “tank” did. I only realized what was happening half way through the dungeon when I thought blowing all my mana healing him was a bit too hard for a starter normal dungeon.

You can still do UK in outlands gear.

still not sure what your trying to prove here.

its not hard if your not dumb

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Im not forcing anyones removal of choice, you are forcing your own limitation. Nothing is stopping YOU from forming a group right now, to go and do content.

When and if blizzard adds it, is of no concern to me because i dont care one way or the other. But crying on the forms like there is nothing you can do about it, is just objectivly false.
Log in, form a group do the content. The amount of time you spend on the forms crying about not having LFD can be used forming a group and doing content, its not hard. You CAN talk to people, its ok, they are generally not mean.

To me it really just sounds like this post is for “its okay to be super elitiest in non-hardcore content”

and honestly this post right here. is a perfect example of why RDF should absolutely be a thing


Cool you know how long it takes to a get a group going for anything especially when people are trying to have you min-maxed at level 70?

pretty hard my guy. he could be out there spamming LFG trying to get in for hours and still not have a group going


You’re literally a tourist as evidenced by your posts in another thread. Calm down and realize nobody is gatekeeping anybody. If you don’t make it into a group you’re probably competition for loot or don’t fit the profile of the group (usually require well geared for speedy clears). Most people are running dungeons in normal groups.

tourist? thats funny. my guy iv been through this gauntlet more times than you probably have. playing all those years ago and playing it now arnt that different.

you dont need super gear to do UK. again to think other wise makes you look stupid. invite people. do the content. if you are incapable of adapting to your group and not trying to pull half the dungeon in one go thats your problem

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As a healer, I form all my groups and never invite Paladin/DK for ‘DPS’ roles. Additionally I never invite people from the BR guilds either.

#NotGateKeeping. =)

dont see why blood DK dps is pretty strong

Ok, you and your friends can get all boosted characters and walk into UK without doing anything else first. Then tell me your story.

because FOTM players can get lost

you keep using words like crying and its your fault, and claiming you know the argument yet only use the anti rdf talking points while swearing you dont care one way or the other.

so you are, in all forms, fighting against the ability to have the choice between rdf and lfg.

so your are fighting freedom of choice while using the talking point “nothings stopping you from making your own group”

shall i break down the hours ive spent as a group lead for you? the 4 minutes it took to get 2 other dps, the 45 further minutes it took to get a healer, the 30 minutes waiting to get a tank only to have healer announce, “you suck as a party lead, im out”, the 40 more minutes to find a tank only to have tank say “oh youve got a rogue? im out” and then both dps got tired of waiting and left.

so yes, while if i were a tank, dk or helaer i could probably snag a group without trouble. sitting in que for hours waiting to get chosen, or sitting in town doing nothing while i try and form a group… is an option. it is in NO WAY anywhere close to RDF in efficiency.

so yes. i could form a group if i want to waste most of my nights of my week being party lead to only not get a group together.

or i can spend some time each day shouting on the forums and fighting to have our freedom of choice put back in the game. fighting for the devs to hear the pro rdf cry in the forums.


and your toxic mentality is sparkling bright with just the word “tourist”

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Yes i do, im a boosted warrior that started off in greens, i would wait and post for 40+ min to get a group, and guess what, eventually i got to mostly all BiS pre raid gear.

Its really not hard at all. Posting in a channel for what you need to run a dungeon is not hard at all.