Vault has always been RNG trash, they just made it more noticeable to those that do M+ by making M+ track a lot more of a soul-depleting slog to get filled with what you need than it was before.
In Wrath I did 5N, then 5H (Dungeons). Then 10N, and then 10H. Then 25N, and finally 25H. My gear scaled. I progressed. I collected the tokens as I raided to make my 5 piece Tier set which happened a lot faster than our new Catalyst system.
The current system is probably fine for a lot of people. I keeps them busy chasing that ilvl. If Classic: Cata had retails QoL changes, I would probably go back and live there. Sadly, I have to take the bad with the good if I want to keep enjoying my new casual lifestyle.
In ICC when this system finally was implemented 10N and 10H shared a lockout as did 25N and 25H.
Also 10H and 25N was the same item level gear.
And unless you were full clearing day 1 gear was very slow. And I’ll ignore of course the Wrath timegated release of each wing, taking over 2 months to release the entire raid, and each end wing boss sharing a pool of limited attempts.
Maybe if you only do the first 4 yea. But after you kill the 5th boss its extend time. Raid vault for mythic raiders honestly needs an overhaul considering they have to extend if they want to beat their content griefing their loot table for it. Getting less chances at rewards for progressing is insane game design
And yet there was still only 1 end game, and 1 path, with gear that dropped, and no great vault. Never said it was day 1, but given the limitations we had back then, there was far less bloat and frustration.
There were two things to do back then… raid and pvp. No Mythics, no delves, no nothing. And yeah, not having CRZ was AMAZING! People had to act right, or get blacklisted.