*Chooses 6 token option*

Hence PvP treatment suggestion -

You’re stamping your feet over bad RNG.

You look silly OP.

Just saying.


If you weren’t stuck on a low pop server maybe.

Why vendor the trash when you can take the token and turn it in for 1000g?

:rofl: Not my problem. I was on low and med pop realms, joined good guilds, and learned everything I could on how to tank. People were far less toxic back then cause one wrong move, and you were shelling out money to server hop cause NO ONE in Trade would invite you to a run. You were actually held accountable for being a jerk.

I’d be on board with letting you freeze a vault slot for a week (so if you freeze M+ slot 2, then unlock M+ slot 2 next week, it will have the same item), as well as a late season item to let you upgrade an item by 1 upgrade track with some steep requirements (3k IO or 6/8M to be able to purchase, costs 12 vault tokens, not available until x.7 minor patch).

Rng can be hard at times. At least t current vault is better than what we had in bfa a single item to choose no matter what you did or the content you played.


Rng is fine when you can play around it or have more attempts so you dont feel like you were put in timeout.

PvE is PvE.

So… Never? You were always hitting lockout in the older days of raiding too

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I wonder when people will finally realize that the vault system is a twisted and perverted version of the Badge system but worse since the rewards are rng and not deterministic.

VWNBAB (Vault will never be a Badge.)

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Yeah but the badge system didn’t give you max ilvl loot, didn’t cover every slot, didn’t really have BIS items, and was mostly a pity system for non raiders.


And vault isn’t?

It could be argued as such, but I think the other 3 things badges weren’t are the more pressing concern.


WTF are you on about.


The vault is not performing very good at all. Been getting loot with all the wrong stats.

Can we please get reroll tokens to reroll the vault?

This is not true at all.


Tell me more.

The vault vender sells a 1000g Chest of Gold for 2 Tokens of Merit.

It’s not a bonus item. It is the only gear progression I have from M+

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