Choose Your Own Gear in Dragonflight Season 4

Why can’t all sets from the expansion just be available to choose from in game during season 4???

Seems like a no brainer to me.


Please tell me that somewhere, someone has the sense enough to have a disclaimer posted that the final builds will NOT be determined solely by the polls.
I can see where asking for input on the builds helps with the communication of design with players, but in my opinion it should be limited to one choice per class and strictly cosmetic choices. Because there’s one thing that’s certain…gamers game…and these polls will prove that you can’t trust the public to NOT intentionally make choices that are the worst, for nothing more than giggles or spite. Think of all of those accounts you’ve banned and tell me that they won’t be buying new accounts just to…oh wait…now I see.
Shrewd…very shrewd. And greedy.


just delete all set bonuses; they limit viable builds

they’re not trying to code something new, and they wouldn’t want to set a precedent they won’t live up to in the future

please add more colors for all winner sets


Oh yea… pvp is a thing isn’t it? Why would blizzard care about a minigame lol?


That’s odd. Here I was thinking that my subscription money funds, among other things, development of new content. Isn’t that the core business model for this game? I pay, you make new stuff?


why choose? just turn them all on concurrently.


This is one of the saddest things I have ever seen.

You guys are so void of any ability to design your own game you’re just letting people vote on things you’ve already done.

I don’t even have words for how absolutely ridiculous this is.

Bobby Kotick leaves, and you are still reusing old assets. Make new assets. Make new Tier sets. How on earth do you guys always function like you’re on a skeleton crew for everything. Mod teams have more capacity for change than a multi billion dollar company and it’s absolutely absurd.


Ugh not a fan of this decision.


LOL imagine


They already have to code something new because each spec for a class might choose a different season and players are still going to want the tier bonuses to swap based on spec as this is basic functionality of tier sets for quite some time now.

i think people are accidently voting for the appearance in the spec sections. This should probably be clearer / say what the sets do.


Would it be an outrageous idea to have all the tier options from previous seasons available in s4 so that both pve and pvpers will be happy?
It would allow for more variety among specs and not just everyone running the same cookie cutter setup for another 8months.


I could go on Fiverr with like $10k, get a bunch of passionate artists to make entirely new designs for each class, then pick the best ones, do it again asking for artists to improve the sets I liked the most, and probably make most of the assets and they would look 100x better than any sets Blizzard has designed in years.

And that’s probably less money than corporate wastes on unproductive meetings every week.

You could probably ask a few youtubers to make a set for their favorite classes and they’d probably do it for free and they’d be incredible.

There is absolutely no excuse for not making new assets. Blizzard is so cheap it’s disgusting.

If you’re gonna ask the community for something, you should just hold art competitions to design new tier sets. Maybe then the sets wouldn’t all look like the same bored artist crapped out a bunch of garbage with zero passion for any of the classes they’re for.


Why would you add polls about looks and effects without adding pictures/descriptions?
Come on, most people will not choose right without any guide!


I guess this is sort of creative and all but it just seems way over complicated. I will agree, past set bonuses should be re used. But that’s about it, I could see old sets coming back too that’s fine. But why a poll? I’d rather blizzard decide, the community always screws over the people who actually care about the game. Seen this before when people trolled in past polls on purpose.

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we;re gamedevs now, we do our own research.

Yeah, i don’t understand why they don’t have pictures of the tier and tooltip descriptions of the tier set bonuses… do they really expect everyone to remember it all or go and google stuff before voting?

It really couldn’t be that hard to imbed some images into the posts :woman_shrugging:


This is honestly such a terrible idea and seems lazy