"Choices Should Matter."

Blizzard absolutely designs around what they think will be the meta, specifically with Mythic. Everything else is an afterthought.


Pretty much.


If you make the right choice for you, it shouldn’t change to be the wrong choice. Buffing other talent choices would do that.

Yeah that is why we see mythic bosses fall over like trash in world first xD

You clearly have no idea how blizzard balances the game based on that comment, you probably think mythic raids is le epitome of skill xD

Blizzard said multiple times that the game isnt only for tryhards, that is why people can do mythic including myself easily sub optimally with one never changing build, if the raids or even m+ were balanced around optimal comps, the vast majority of players wouldnt be able to do them because the vast majority arent tryhards.

That would be ideal, but sadly I don’t trust Blizzard to be capable of that. Look at corruption traits.

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What does this relate to? Blizzard designs around Mythic, they don’t design around the world first race.

I think it was in this thread I said Mythic is the only thing that is actually hard, but it’s only actually hard if your group isn’t competent.

What takes more skill in WoW other than Mythic, or high rated PvP?

Nobody is saying it’s not just for hardcore players. Blizzard balancing the raid around Mythic doesn’t mean they think only Mythic matters. You keep calling these people tryhards, as if their taking the game more seriously to be competitive is a bad thing. Are you jealous? Upset that there are players better than you?

Actually, if you have a terrible comp in Mythic or M+, it can be really hard to do them.


Why am I not surprised that you’re happy when the game becomes more toxic.


It’s not just that. Blizzard can adjust the game design to fit the content and vice versa: “oh, we’ll stick this into this dungeon and adjust that ability to handle it”.

Their strategy with talents works. They don’t change them often, so the right choice doesn’t change into the wrong choice often. And if it does happen, you can easily switch talents.

5/12, six months into the patch. That’s not “easily”; it could be argued whether it’s “do” at all.

Do you think he understands that Mythic generally scales linearly in difficulty in terms of boss depth?

That would take an understanding of basic math.

Better to praise terrible design and act toxic instead.


Being locked in is the opposite of a choice. You’re rhetoric is incredibly ironic and it’s showing.


Imagine gimping yourself or cutting off your leg on purpose, just so that you can claim you’ve made a “meaningful choice” of handicapping yourself, because you prefer walking one legged.


I know this is not what you want to hear but both sides are right.

Having to make a choice and stick with it is still a choice. Having a choice to use certain skills at fights is also a choice.

I’m for having to make hard choices, and I don’t want it to be balance. I want certain factions being stronger at certain elements.

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Good try, you CHOOSE which covenant you get locked into.

Not my fault tryhards dont want to choose and want to change covenant for every single boss because a different one is optimal xD

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Most players will hit cap and pick the one they prefer the looks to, rather then the one better for their class, then immediately regret that supposed “choice”.

This expansion is gonna be a clustercrap. Just wait till the GD hero’s actually start playing, these forums will be on :fire: :fire: :fire:.

Mark me.


I mean, I’ve seen the biggest complaint is that someone prefers a covenant but their ability is hot garbage. So they can’t make the aesthetic and thematic choice.

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There will always be a cookie cutter spec, most bm choices are dead because of azerite power, essences and having no synergy

If you think that is bad, just wait till people see Demon Hunters in SL

People complained they were OP and all that non-sense when the only reason they were decent was because of borrowed power and furious gaze.

That and the class die in SL

You still havent realized there’s no universal covenant that is good for a class, each will excel at different things and different bosses xD

Shadowlands gonna be a huge success, a ton of casual rpg lovers will stay after the first month because of how much fun covenants and torghast are, while many wannabe elitist tryhards will be ragequitting in the forums cuz they cant be optimal at everything and I ll be enjoyed their threads with a lot of pop corn

Because you arent meant to change builds to be optimal at everything, and Ion confirmed this.

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