Cho'gall Old School players

Oh hey, my shaman is still alive..

Long live CE

Lokomani the troll warrior. Damn I remember raiding kara with them.

That breaks my heart about Children passing away. Does anyone know what happened?

I was in Denial, Pre BC, name was Occur I was a warlock i miss hanging out with the old crew if anyone from Denial reads this please reply i’d love to hear were you are now

i was the old guild leader of reckless ambition which became aftermath around bwl undead priest named apathy. were you horde or alliance? those are horde guilds you are listing so i suspect horde but you never know could be a voodoo spy… :stuck_out_tongue:

araym i remember you man, how have you been? -apathy

Hahaha Ataxius- UD mage! I remember you! Lol

Beethoven, a very ugly female tauren shaman. I played in Insurrection for a while then joined up with Death Wish when they all transferred over, and farmed Naxx with them. Does anyone remember the human mage Capstone, who would talk crap on the forums constantly?

I’m still here, on ally and horde

Who remembers how much of a tool Grandir was? ¯\(ツ)/¯

Luo! Found this 5 years later but I found it! You still playing? Would love to reconnect buddy.

Cheers, Kalainer

Hey Matikus! How you doin buddy?!

Old Park Balance and unieashes checking in can’t say I play a lot though

Proudest moments include

Was in the raid tastycakes? had a meltdown and unieashed died

Hosted server first pug on magtheoridons lair (afaik)

Honorary tsm member until I killed majeeks alt.

Watched ashes of alar get ninjad pre wotlk

Also thanks for stealing our BT/Hyjal attuned recruits!!!

Man, I wasn’t anyone special, but I started playing here in BC. Split was the guild, but most fondly remember this non-raiding guild group, wish I could remember what we called ourselves. We managed to get a few raid kills being a glorified pug, it was great.

I was in Last Phoenix Rising (same toon name)! Man this thread bringing up all the memories.

I was a RL for LPR in Firelands. Great group of guys, still keep in touch with a handful of them.