Cho'gall Alliance?

Am I the only one still here?



I’m still here, and still Running my guild.


Well this post is already pretty old, and I’m not around in retail anymore, but gonna be playing the crap outa classic. Came back to the forums to see if I could find anyone still around


Hey Nath!

I’m still here and still playing…at least for a couple of more days. Some Real life friends are subbed and we play the game together.

My only gripe with Classic is that the launch is right before my school semester begins again. So I may or may not be subbed throughout the semester.

You know which realm you plan on playing when classic goes live?


Damn sorry to hear about the timing with school and launch. Dance and I are both gonna be rolling on Fairbanks alliance if you’re playing there by chance, or if you haven’t chosen a realm yet. Would be great to catch up sometime if possible, miss the days of CSS!



Checking back in to see if it’s Kevin or me still being stubborn on this realm.

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yup i’m still here, and working on Daily Anticipation.
also dragonflight royally screwed over the guild with getting stay classy, so close then they raised all the requirements and all the progress besides the human and worgens which were done completely gone. so my brother and i are just going race by race now getting alts to level 70. right now working on drawves…but it is slow going, since well the guild basically was/has been trolled like crazy (luckily it has died down). i’m just trucking along, my brother and i doing what we can, at most a glacial pace.
is it fun being in a mostly dead guild, not really, but is is my baby 100% and i will protect and raise it.

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don’t know why the forum is using my classic AV… should be able to select which ever character you want.

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figure out how to change the character…don’t know why it defaulted to my wow classic character

Bump. I guess it’s still just me and Kevin in this realm still.

I’ve been playing Season of Discovery a lot and have been having a blast in that.

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yup just us it seems, maybe we will see more when the “war within” drops