Choas bolt loyalist - alliance priest seeks horde for parley - p4 ability quest

Me - Alliance Priest on Choas Bolt trying to complete Priest Racial SoD P4 Quest.
You - Horde Priest on Choas Bolt also trying to complete Priest Racial SoD P4 Quest.

Mission: Organize meet up at opposite faction capital city to complete Priest Racial quest step involving Diplomat Ring in the near future. Post or DM to inquire.

TY for reading.

I feel for you. I have abandoned the idea of doing this because there is almost no horde population on wildgrowth. im lucky to be on a pve server because I dont see how you’d be able to do this on a pvp server considering the part where you will enter the city will have every player jump you.

It’s not the players I’m worried about since there are almost none. I’m talking maybe low double digits. It’s the city guards that’d get me. :frowning:

Also, I might be able to look into finding that priest for you.

Question is why are you still on chaos bolt. Mist of us left when they gutted the server

Why should it be my job as a player to transfer off a server to rebalance populations on an already highly populated server? Optional transfer was optional. Minus this one quest, because I am having a very hard time contacting a horde priest, I am very much enjoying “private server” life on CB.

Masochism runs deep for those who chose to stay on chaos bolt.

I bounced the moment they opened the transfers and can now do horde and alliance on Crusader Strike.

No regrets.

it’s true… WoW as more of an RPG then an MMO is legit masochistic self-found mode.

Hm? Im on WG horde and theres tons of people on, even now at 524 on a thursday

BUMP. Still searching for a horde priest on Choas Bolt(US).


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You guys won’t believe what just happened…

Shared priest racial abilities have been unlocked on Choas Bolt!

Apparently not allowed to post a media link but I made a quick video of the quest. From Diplomatic overtures till completion. Search the YT site, C&P:
World of WarCraft - SoD - Priest Quest chain. Diplomatic Overtures thru The Convocation Assembles.


But I’ll pass. Thanks for sharing.