Chinese Bots farming Botanica

Went to Botanica to farm gloves for Xmog, and noticed a lot i mean A LOT of literal Chinese Prot pally bots going in and out of the dungeon, sometimes flying down to Cosmowrench “little town outside of Tempest Keep Dungeons” to vendor. Also if you hover over their Character you can see their guild rank which is written in Chinese. Went inside Botanica and used /who and boy there was a ton more. Pretty sure Blizz doesn’t have time to worry about this, but man those bots are grinding.


Fjb and his army of bots.


There are more important things, like tweaking boomkins and expanding cash shop player services, that demand Blizzard’s full attention.


lol maybe so

Who says its robot? My guildy is a politican of botanica and yes he solo ENTIRE thing in héroïque with 0 deaths. Class paladin. Occupation former student. Yes he chinese but lived in Zurch for 3 years. He just like to farm gold and nothing wrong about that. Hate suckers and cryers


You cant fool us robot boy


i dont know if intentional but

  • written like an AI
  • “I have a friend that X, therefore Y thing can’t!” thing, also known as anecdotal fallacy
  • “Politician of Botanica” when were the elections? who counted the ballots? were any of them merely a setback?
  • This reads like it was parsed through google translator in 2014
  • Has ‘Pooh’ in the name. Can’t make this up

my guild all went ally, so im in this dudes guild and no one speaks english and this guy spams trade chat selling stuff like 7,000 terocones etc

my guild rank is Guest

its also good got mogs if lacking them and fabrics. I am weak on fabric based crafting from tbc.

SO yeah I do a few passes of the region over the weeks. Botanica is liked for nice mob density over arkitraz. Also the prison has no backway way out. so it walk your butt out of the place. and th final boss rp bits. Cool the first times seen. Between retail rep runs here now classic runs…I’d take a nice straight to final boss.

Mechanar? It to me is light in mogs I need or get. When rng says this paladin gets clothe…they mean it. Odd density and its just not a fun place for me.

Also items are turned in for reps. Some chars didn’t get them. So I get the honor from turning those in. Open world hunting has the same hit or miss drop rate. But less density. Also no chance at dungeon blue and less green chance.

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Ten Cent an hour is good money when you are a chinese bot!

why he playin on north american server if he’s from china. I dont get it. HMMMMMMMMMMMM.

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