China tells game companies to stop focusing on profit

You don’t play games with friends like in the same room, and lay a smackdown on them and find it unenjoyable?

Well I say good for China looking out for their children, and their society, when it comes to video games its their business anything echoed here wont change a thing.

Yes, racist.
But saying that can’t really be racist, because rap music is not associated with a racial group. Well, not anymore atleast. It has spread quite a lot.

Same feeling Mario kart or smash bros can give.

I’m pretty sure rap music is associated with one race more than any other.

You are painfully wrong.

I can I promise you that the majority of the issues are from corrupt politicians trying to increase their riches to separate themselves from the filthy commoners. If to reach that point they accept the influence of bigger fishes, that’s just a side effect of the main issue.

How do I know this? Because I live in a country that somehow it’s not considered 3rd world country, but it’s pretty darn close.

I used to do that with KoF at the arcade as a youngster.

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Not really if you enjoy music you can listen to all forms, I believe its not a race issue.

Developed by inner city african americans and latino americans.

And historically used as an amateur musician’s criticism of society, government and what not, a little like what punk used to be. Respectable roots.

Rap has been spread like wildfire to all.

Most people will probably think about eminem as the first rapper when you ask.

I’m not saying it’s a race issue I’m just clarifying to Dalrond why he makes no sense. Criticizing anime does not make me racist same as saying if you like Chinese food you have bad taste or saying you like rap music you have bad taste does not make me a racist in any form.

If you hate any genre of music in total then you lack a true appreciation of quality, a certain sophistication if you will. If you had taste you could at least admit that some rap is quality art even if some is also trash. This applies to just about every other category of creativity as well, including games.

“I don’t like video games.” I’ve actually heard people say that. I hate fps games, but all games? The funniest part is they are the people who play no games so they wouldn’t know a good one from a bad one if it was given to them pass/fail.

There’s a difference between being disinterested in something (which is all you are presenting) and knowing whether something is “good” or “bad.” I’m disinterested in game streaming. Does that mean it’s “all bad” and you have “bad taste” if you like them?

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Good or bad is up to each to decide lol

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Oh, the irony.

Ever wonder where the shift in business strategies in NA from build-your-business for long-term success to grab-everything-you-can for immediate, short term profits came from?


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Is it Sunday? That is the funniest and most ridiculous thing I’ve read in a long time.

Looks around and realizes the thread has been moved to Off Topic :laughing:

So they want Less Violence… More Flexing Muscles?.. Perhaps some boasting about said Muscles maybe?..

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They want…


But not too macho, though the fun thing about the village people is that shouldn’t really be a problem. YMCA it’s fun to stay at the… .

Raw data is not useful unless it is compiled and collated. I doubt Facebook shares its algorithms and analyses with China.


Just because some parents didn’t say no to some kid who wanted to play GTA, doesn’t mean that violence has to be taken out of video games.

Well that i can agree with. I think this money-worship as they put it is a pretty unhealthy tendency… especially since some of the people on GD are actually convinced that more money for the company = better products… somehow.

…Wait, what??? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Uhh yeah, that isn’t potentially alarming! :grimacing: /s

Recently the CCP banned boy bands calling them “sissies”.