China 6-Month Subs Got a Free Swift Spectral Tiger

You didn’t read, did you? The Chinese player base is getting the Swift Spectral tiger on top of the New Year’s mount.

Well, let’s hope that Spencer removes this Chinese advantage that he only gives to his community knowing that our game is world playable, like that Diablo Inmortal problem that I still don’t trust him for more than his leak.

Although we do not know if the Microsoft, Amazon alliance with the Chinese government that brought us a certain epidemic will continue to exist, as confirmed by many conspiracy videos.

But anyway, it’s one more hypocrisy in his microtransactions in ABK while I’m still trying to figure out how to get that cute kitty mount :cat: .

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chicken mount > spectral tiger

China > USA

Mmmm let me tell you something, TCG card were a big thing for USA not for the other regions, As Latam player nobody played WoW TCG, Magic/YuGiOh mostly but you didn’t see too many sells for WoW Cards, so it wasn’t never a balance field. I don’t know about TCG on China but maybe they never get these at all.

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you may be right
was the TCG even active when china got access to wow?

I just google and there was some cards translate to Chinese but i don’t know ther market, one thing that i could tell you is that it wasn’t a big hit on some regions because there was some World Cups and only players from EMEA/NA participated.

Is this real?

I’m moving to China.

Don’t know why anyone cares. The Tiger is only desirable b/c it’s rare. In china, and on those servers it will just be another store mount. No one will care about it.