<Chimera>[H] Shadowlands Recruitment for 2 day Mythic Raiding

Are you coming back for Shadowlands? Are you just looking for a new home for the next expansion? Chimera is the place for you. We are a funny, sarcastic, politically incorrect group of friends that met in WoW. We hang out make fun of each other and have a bunch of laughs along the way.

We will be raiding on Friday and Saturday 7:30pm-10:30pm server time. We will be knocking out AOTC as quickly as possible to move into our Mythic Progression. Our end goal as well as all other guild is to get CE for all tiers, but if for some reason that doesn’t happen, as long as we had fun along the way the tier will be a success.

I am the GM, but I choose to have a leadership council, so you don’t have to worry about anyone on a power trip ruining your gaming experience. We do not handhold. Also we don’t believe in a mandatory M+ every week, but we run them for fun during the week as they are good ways for additional gear. If you prefer to PVP on your time for additional gear that is fine with us.

Current Progression: 10/10N, 2/10H

We are currently recruiting for Hybrid DPS/Healers or Hybrid DPS/Tank positions. Socials and Casuals are always welcome. So feel free to reach out for an invite or if you have questions.

If you would like an invite please contact either of the following…

Discord: Greygoose#3933 or In-game :Greygoose#1555(battletag)
Discord: Burtburglar#6874 or In-Game: Burtburglar#1907(battletag)

You can also find us on the in-game Guilder Finder, just search for Chimera

Who doesn’t love shenanigans? I love shenanigans! Count me in!

Lots of shenanigans! come 1 come all!

Still looking for more peeps for shenanigans

We have brownies! The good kind! C’mon down!

To the top!

Git up there.

Bump - went 9/10 this week, Daddy Denathrius dies this week!

Boopy Bump - 2/10H 10/10N Burt is a nerd that smells but we love him.

10/10N and 8/10H now! Still seeking more members.