Chimera chops plz

Could we please for the love of god get layering and some more love on spawn rate for these guys there is like 30 people over here and no second layer, and whats more the spawn rate is SOOOO SLOW. Please address this.

I’d also note the time to complete the quest for people has been drastically reduced due to the expedited release time frame plz keep this in mind when weighing this decision, its gonna take so long to get people meat if this keeps up

And move the graveyard closer or add one! this is rediculous.


Just get yourself some transglutaminase and go kill some turtles for their meat; no one will know the difference!

2004: Only one may rise as this quest will take ages to figure out and complete

2024: Only one may rise because nobody else is able to tag mobs fast enough XD

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Meanwhile, most people are fighting the urge to drop the questline altogether because of the horrendous 42k bugparts farm lol.

cough bloodkelp update cough

its 21k, but yeah.

I assumed it was 21k for SoM only? Or did that one carry over into SoD then?

Not like it helps that much though. Half the grind is decent but still like almost 18 played hours of bug farm in a 5 man group.

still need faster spawns and more layers

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