(COC) 2016 is a Relaxed, Social, Adult Guild focused on AOTC Raiding 8/8N… Mythic Dungeon keys, Raiding Tues/Wed 9pm/11pm, Alt Raid Monday 9-11pm for who is interested not mandatory. We have Active M+ Key Runners, Active discord, and friendly environment.
**What we look for in our raiders are folks who can make each raid during progression mode on their designated Raiding char. Once we complete AOTC and get a few extra kills we will go into casual mode where non-Raiders/alts Raid get their AOTC gear and have a little fun. Or some take a break till next season.
Anyone who is looking for Mythic keys or just a home to have fun with active Wow junkies are welcome too.
**Short and sweet, we are a group of friends/family who enjoy the game and enjoy playing it, we are fun, energetic, and a little dirty. Most our members are ex-mythic raiders looking just to enjoy the game again. We prefer raiders who show up to each raid regularly and not just gear and quit the game. Most of us just raid for fun sense we gear up out of Mythic dungeons at this point. We are looking for more Raiders and Mythic dungeon runners that know their class/spec or willing to learn and grow to head into TWW and beyond with. We are looking for Fellow Gamers with a Build a guild up attitude not a break a guild down attitude.
Peak hours of activity are 6pm-5am EST
**Current recruitment for Raids ** 1 healer **
**RECRUITING ALL for M+ dungeon activity!!
Feel free to Drop an application or battletag(Pyrx#1588) or join us on discord(Pyrx#6109) and get to know us feel free to add me