Chicago data center issues?

| WinMTR statistics |

Host - % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last
GT-AX11000_Pro-2320 - 0 1227 1227 0 0 11 0
“Removed for privacy” - 0 1227 1227 1 2 14 2 - 1 1223 1222 9 9 21 10 - 0 1227 1227 9 9 21 9 - 0 1227 1227 9 11 23 11 - 0 1227 1227 9 11 45 11 - 0 1227 1227 8 12 72 9
No response from host - 100 248 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1227 1227 35 144 440 306
No response from host - 100 248 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1227 1227 30 136 407 295 - 0 1227 1227 31 136 407 295 - 0 1227 1227 29 136 407 295
________________________________________________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

Can someone tell me if I need to contact my ISP or is this a wow thing?

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Contact the ISP and tell them the routing peer between their network and Blizzard is having heavy delays. Show them the WinMTR.

so I contacted them and they say there is nothing they can do about the peer routing node it is out of their network. What do I do from here? They said the delay is coming from blizzard.

The delay is coming from Level 3, so I understand what they’re saying, but Blizzard can’t force them to fix it either. While you wait for them (Level 3) to fix it a VPN might help.

so who do I contact to fix it, if it isn’t my isp and isn’t blizzard then what do I do

You wait until the company in the middle fixes it. Your ISP relies on them to route traffic and so does Blizzard, but neither company owns Level 3.

ok well thank you, one last question, does the variability on ping time for the level 3 server for blizzard come from the middleman having issues?

Level 3 is the middleman. If you experience weird ping to a place that relies on Level 3 to route the traffic, chances are your ping will see the effects of their current lag.

I mean in the win mtr some of the ping times are 400+ for [BLIZZARD-EN.ear7.Chicago2.Level3. net

Level 3 names that node because it is delivering traffic to Blizzard with it. Level 3 is responsible for those 400ms ping times. If their node has a real 400ms ping (continues on other lines after that one), that is the lag you will see in WoW.

Both the ISP and Blizzard will probably be in contact with Level 3 if the issue continues. I don’t have any other information to offer on this other than to continue bothering your ISP and use a VPN.

I see two level 3, I’m asking if the Washington lvl3, is responsible for the blizzard level 3 times. Or am I grossly misunderstanding if so I’m sorry its been a long week. Please forgive me

oh ok thank you

Those are just different nodes in Level 3’s network. Their Washington one looks fine and doesn’t show any 400ms ping (it’s 72ms max in the test you posted).

Same issue, and same node.

Mine for example is normally Home 32ms, World 32ms and nearly never a DC. Today it has been Home 32ms, World 800-4000 and DCs every few seconds. Wow is completely unplayable at the moment for a good portion of players whose traffic follows that or a similar route and hits that node.

Hopefully Blizzard has (or will in the near future) alert Level3 to the issue, as most non-national ISPs, even if a report is made, won’t be get a priority response.

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