Chi Burst / Chi Wave suggestion

Remove them both :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

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I think instead of removing serpent kick and adding that slicing winds talent, they should have added either a talent or baseline ability in place of chi burst/wave and they could even call it chi burst still if they wanted, but we could charge it up and release it like a khamehameha and live out all of our dbz dreams.

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I do like having another damage button but I wish it wasn’t a hard cast. I love chi wave but it does so much less damage than Chi Burst that they’re not really comparable. Like my chi burst can crit around 667-700k. Chi wave in logs even trying to max using it is so little damage that I’m really honestly not sure why it’s an option. Heck RSK is already on it’s own cd idk why CW has to have a coolup time as well. Maybe they could just have it proc every RSK it does very low damage anyway.

I’d like for them to move mw away from Chi Burst and JE as their only significant sources of damage but they want to force us to play that way. They want this weird hybrid melee caster but I always like MW more when the emphasis is on melee damage. Like JE doesn’t thematically even make sense to me compared to spinning crane kick + dance. You can’t move while casting it, it’s practically the main source of ramp and damage outside of chi-chi, and I’ve been saying for a while: As long as JE is in the game there’s no where for them to take the spec. It’s hard stuck here. If they add anything else the question is gonna be “is it better than JE? No. Then it doesn’t matter.” We don’t even take like >half of our capstone talents, because this talent exists. You can’t even move them around because sheilun’s, for some reason, doesn’t just automatically hit 5 targets baseline. and there’s not really any other talent that gets as much value out of a single node as JE in keys. DoCJ is so close but that’s another story.