Chess Event Karazhan Solo Strat - success

Went back to TBC Kara to complete a transmog set and ran some alts through it one after the other till I got a very workable strat.

To follow this strat you’ll want to use your fav engine to search up standard Chess Notation.

Open the game by talking to your faction leader then immediately unmount it.

Run back down and click the pawn at G2 until you can move it then use the boot icon to move it to F3 (notation assumes you are on your side facing opposition). Click to dismount pawn.

Now jump back down and move the rook analog (daemon/elemental) from H1 to G2. These are AOE pieces so you want to move them toward the center of the board. Unmount.

Now mount pawn directly ahead of the King/Warchief ahead. It doesn’t matter if you move it diagonally or forward. This is so as soon as your opponent “cheats” by setting squares aflame you can move your King/Chief out of the fire.

Mount the pawn at B2 and move it forward or toward the center (if that space is unoccupied). Unmount.

Mount the rook (elemental/daemon) at square A1 and move it to B2. Unmount.

If it has not already happened the “cheat” will soon happen so be ready to move your “king” piece. Move it in the general direction of the opposing faction leader. Unmount.

Mount your healer piece (cleric/necrolyte) at C1 or F1 (whichever one is not standing in fire) and put a heal on whatever of the following pieces need a heal most: king or one of your AOE “rooks”. Stay on this piece and continue to heal the king as a priority, the closest AOE piece to the opposing king as a second priority, and use the cleric/necrolyte damage ability on the opposing faction leader piece as a third priority.

I’m sure it’s possible to lose if you follow this strategy due to variance in the opposing “player” artificial intelligence algorithm - but I have yet to lose since I started doing this.

Waste as little time as possible doing your piece swaps and you should be fine.

Note: You must complete The Banquet Hall – [Moroes] to access The Opera House – and [Opera Event] before you can access the Chess Event. On the way to Chess you’ll pass The Menagerie and find [The Curator] is hard not to kill. You do not have to clear everything if all you want to do is get past Chess and on to Netherspace – [Prince Malchezaar]


I remember at one time (not sure if its still true) but the chess event used to be easier to solo with one faction than the other as the NPC’s on one side use more of their abilities while not being manned.

I can’t remember how I did it. But I did many time many years ago now. Old age screws around with your memory lol :slight_smile:

I would free the rook and king… go ham with the rook (or whatever the doomgaurd is) and when the rook died clean up with the king

Mainly tunneling on the enemy king (let him go to you)

Thats possible but i did not see a faction difference in how well this solo strat worked. Once you move your pawns and AOE’s toward center they tend to encourage the opposing AI to funnel down center. If you then evade the “cheat” and hop on a healer your faction lead and one AOE “rook” can do their job pretty reliably. I “only” did this 22 times today though (completing the transmog set) so may not have seen all the RNG that the opposing artificial intelligence might try to throw.

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Yep - that’s the strat in essence. All I may be doing different is using board position to reliably funnel the enemy king down center. If the reader didn’t Google standard chess notation it will suffice to say you free your rooks by moving pawns that are diagonal to the rooks diagonally toward board center then move the rooks diagonally toward board center as well. Finally you rely on a healer to keep your pieces up.

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I know this is years old…but all you do is control your leader. Kill. Win. Done.

So why necro it?

Because I felt like it. Does that bother you kid

What a weird response.