Checking Corruption Effects in Warcraft Logs

Hi guys,

I’m analyzing data from my guilds mythic progression in order to make some improvements to things.

Is there a way to check if people are affected by Cascading Disaster or Inevitable Doom via analyzing warcraft logs?

I can see the damage people take from eye of coruption and grand delusions sicne they do specific damage. However, I’m not sure how one would look to see if people have enough corruption to trigger Cascading Disaster or Inevitable Doom.

Thanks in advance!

Not sure about those, but the 1st 2 levels of “too much” corruption problems show as debuffs.
For example,
Grasping Tendrils
Eye of Corruption


Yea I haven’t had an issue tracking those 2. I fine it a bit frustrating that there is no way to track the further corruption beyond grand delusions- unless there’s some way I’m not aware of that I can’t see (other than looking up their gear and doing the corruption math).

You could try to intentionally inflict those on yourselves and then immediately run this script from the Chat window

/run for i=1,100 do local n,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,id=UnitAura("player",i) if n ~= nil and id ~=nil then print(n..": " end end print("done")

It barfs out the names and spell id’s of buffs and debuffs on you into your chat window.

If those mechanics are an aura you’ll probably see them listed, otherwise I got nothing.

Very helpful! T hanks friend.

May I ask, what do i do with the spell ID/script after I’ve obtained it? Is there something I type in somewhere to track it? Total addon/macro/UI newbie here.

If those 2 corruption effects you want to track are auras/debuffs (still not sure if they are), they should show up in the list of stuff printed in chat when you intentionally inflict them on yourself. You can use the spellid to look up the item on wowhead like this

And at the very least use the name shown for tracking in the combat log.

Sometimes I want to create a weakaura for something very specific and I can use the spell id for that (check the exact spell box and paste in the spell id) because names aren’t guaranteed to be unique and can actually change if from English-to-French-to-Spanish-to-Whatever.

Aura is Hidden

I’m also not seeing it listed anywhere in the debuffs or casts lists in WCL.
Your only chance of tracking this is identifying who has Total Corruption over the threshold then tracking when they get hit by TFB.

Bummer, thanks friend.

Recommend using Exorsus Raid Tools during raid to identify people with high corruption rather than WCL.