Cheap shot and Charge stun / intercpet stun DR

Is this even working? I have noticed that my cheap shot does not appear to ever DR it self, and my alt warrior charge stun also does not appear to ever DR on cheap shot. MAYBE this is just really good luck but somehow I doubt that. I am perfectly happy abusing it, but for the good of the game lets all test this out, for right now its not a bug or anything but somthing I noticed today, and I dont think it was this way a while back like a patch or two, but it just feels off.

Cheapshot is an ‘Opener stun’, Kidney shot is a ‘Controlled stun’, Mace specialization is a ‘Random stun’. These all have different DR categories, so they don’t DR each other. Charge and Intercept are both ‘Controlled stuns’, so they would reduce the time your kidney shot lasts, but not how long your cheap shot lasts, if that makes any sense.

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Why charge isn’t classified as an ‘Opener stun’, makes no sense at all, but that’s the way blizzard has it set. So your charge will DR your intercept, but your cheapshot will not DR your kidney shot.

Ok, I can live with that, but the thing I noticed is a little different, could be lost in text, but I’ll try and explain again.

Let’s say I cheap shot and or charge a target, they are on the same DR from what I can tell, that part is totally spot on.

Now here is the part that is nice sure, but feels a little broken and I remember it working less effectively in vanilla. If i cheap shot or charge a target then blind or fear that target immediately after then get out of combat and do it again I get full duration on the stun. It should be Half duration.

this is completely wrong, any stun effect shares a DR.
there’s 27 stuns that exist in classic wow that all share the DR
The DR duration (to be safe) is 18 seconds.
I’ve made a weakaura progress bar to track it for all stuns in classic wow, just search wago io for DR Stun Check

This means the first stun no DR, second stun 50% reduced duration, third stun 75% reduced duration, fourth stun Immune. they have 33% opacity so when you see 3 your targets immune.

And i can confirm this as cheap shot reduces the duration of my concussion blow, my charge also causes DR as well. I made it because i was stunning too early and it going to waste.

Ok see that’s how things were working in pvp a few weeks ago, it feels like now I can cheap shot then vanish and immediately cheap shot again with no penalty. Or charge then shout back up charge again immediately and no DR. This would hypothetically be the same target in under 10 sec. The DR reset was like 20 sec in vanilla or maybe 18 like you mentioned.

I don’t spec conc, so haven’t tested that.

it might be the 8 second pvp rule they introduced midway through tbc thats included in pvp for classic for max duration of pvp cc but that can’t be right coz i’ve been sheeped for 20 seconds.

Yeah my concern is the cc DR on some CC doesn’t appear to work in battlegrounds. It’s either that or the CC DR reset is happening too quickly.

For example I can get sap to go immune, but it sure feels like the DR reset is taking place from when the CC starts not when it ends, so if sap lasts 15 sec, and it can, and I let the target move for a few seconds I can res sap and it’s full DR again.

With my cheap shot and charge it feels like there is no DR, and I know that’s wrong, in vanilla cheap shot and charge would DR each other, and or double cheap shot from me and another rogue just as the other ends, or mid way, the second would be 50% and may expire before the first. Same with charge and intercept stun, but i notice it’s not activating DR at all. That makes cheap shot and charge / intercept way too good.

That’s completely untrue and you can easily check this is false by testing for 5s. Read my post about the difference between ‘Opener Stuns’, ‘Controlled Stuns’, and ‘Random Stuns’.

A rogue can cheapshot someone and 4s later kidney shot them, their kidney shot is full duration, immediately disproving your post. This is because cheapshot is an opener stun, kidney shot is a controlled stun, and if they got a mace stun after the kidney it would be a full duration mace stun, because that’s a random stun.

Cheapshot does NOT reduce the duration of your concussion blow, KIDNEY SHOT reduces the duration of your concussion blow. Concussion blow is a controlled stun.

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if thats true then stun DR does not function as intended and is bugged…

I do believe you missed the point, cheap shot and kidney shot are their own unique stun DR.

Kidney shot shares DR with things like bash, hammer of justice, and so on.

Cheap shot shares DR with charge and intercept and so on.

My concern was that my cheap shot is not DR’d or at least it didn’t look like it was DR when applied after a just used completed cheap shot. Like if I cheap shot a target and then as it finishes I vanish and cheap shot again it appears to last full duration. Ill do some more in depth checking, but it appears to not DR, and that is kinda broken.

this explains it a little better :slight_smile: its currently not how it should be.
currently everything that stuns shares a DR unlike 1.9 patch notes.