Playing the beta stress test was very nostalgic for me. I played in Teldrassil as a night elf druid and the placid beauty came back. The new age music still worked.
I think much of that experience could still exist in Live. While there have been many changes for the worse in Live, one that stands out is the Chauffeured Chopper.
You can’t level a character without hearing motorcycles in any starting zone in WoW. It is the only persistent land mount available for characters lower than level 20 so it is really common to hear them. It is really distracting from the immersion of the game.
I think it would improve Live tremendously if Blizzard put a muffler on them. You could also introduce a slightly fancier but quieter heirloom mount that didn’t interfere with the game so much. This would bring more diversity, and less crass, thoughtless noise pollution.
You can also use some mounts with increased swim speed pre 20
I’d give good money to never have to hear any noise from another player’s mount ever again. Or hunter pets. Or worgen.
A pedant in every crowd… I used the word persistent with the intention that we were talking about general < level 40 land mounts.
Ok, pay me and I’ll teach you how to edit your sound settings.
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Everytime I hear the Mekgineer Chopper or Chauffer’s mount I have to tap CTRL-S or leave the area, it’s not a good sound for this type of game, way too loud.
Glad I am not alone in my chopper noise angst.
I’ve been asking for years for an option in the menu to mute mechanical mounts. They have one specifically for Death Knight voice effects so it shouldn’t be that hard to do.
You can get one from the Darkmoon faire.
Or from fishing in various areas
I feel this way about every mechanical mount. Obnoxious noise pollution.
The guy who sits on his chopper in a crowded area and spams his space bar? I hate that guy.
OMG, I have been so tempted to replace all of the Worgen voiceovers with Siri’s voice. Such a terrible voice actor pair. They could have at least used Debi Mae West for the female worgen (she does Maiev Shadowsong’s voice) which would have made it much more hilarious while still being grating and overacted.
She could just do her Meryl voice for a new character and be just blight all the fleabags and call it even. Then my least favorite and favorite voices would be in game by the same person
I love my Horde Chopper from that achievement for this very reason, its very loud. And I like to make people aware Im around. Vroom vroom vroooom!
Preach it sister.
Also loud pipes save lives. Now to kick it up a notch. revs her chopper harder Ah that sound, beauty to my ears. Never gets old.
Body seems unclear, is it a complete sentence?
The voice acting itself doesn’t bother me, but the sound the worgen lady’s idle animation makes is, standing alone, a perfect argument against idle animations making sound.
Def agree. +1
The motorcycle noises are obnoxious. I own 5 motorcycles irl. I love riding. A couple of my bikes can get pretty loud and yet I hate hearing that noise in the game. I used to hate the auction houses outside ashran for that reason. So damn noisy.
Either half the noise output or delete this stupid mount.