Chatting bug in retail

Whenever I go to type in chat my WASD keys still move me around instead of typing those keys in chat, im not sure what to do I’ve tried relaunching the game/restarting pc and I still can’t chat in game. Any help would be appreciated thanks!

Bind abilities there keyboard turner


They definitely changed something. I used to be able to chat and run by holding both left and right mouse buttons down but doing that now seems to ‘click out’ of the chat window and I have to click back into the chat bar to continue typing. Very annoying.

I’m not keyboard turning lmao im trying to type in chat, and let me get this straight in order to be able to type with WASD again in chat you want me to bind them to spells so they can’t be used at all? Brainless

Just keybind them and use those keys to cast spells, your hand rests there anyway and you can get around much better using your mouse to move. You’ll be able to use more keys.

Did you ever find a solution to this? I’m currently in the same situation and can’t find anything about it