Chat channels revetred back to old setting with patch Update

No matter what I do my chat window settings aren’t saving. All Add-ons are off, text files it check off of read only and zoning to different zones, porting or relogging doesn’t fix it.


Yeah I’m having the same issues. Have a few windows, and it keeps putting General and Trade into each window, and if I disable those channels, next relog it goes back to enabled.

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OMG this is so bad… everytime I logoff and log back in my channels are all screwed up! BLIZZARD! PLEASE FIX ASAP!!!


I am also having this problem as well. Keeps showing up after relog which very annoying.

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As always blizzards does a patch and they break something


Same problem here.


Here’s another “me too” on this…and it’s REALLY annoying.

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I’m have the same issue, tried deleting chat cache, tried reseting wtf entirely; tried reinstalling the game clean, nothing has fixed it.

Aye, all 8 chat windows get both Trade and General added to them every time I log back in. I was also put into the Services channel the first time I logged in despite not being in it.

Same here…

So that’s what’s going on. When I logged in earlier today, my friends and I spent a 1/2 hour reporting people for advertising. None of us noticed the channel it was on because we have disabled everything except the main chat channel.

Blizzard, you are going to get swamped with bad reports because most players are not going to see the trade channel name in the middle of the ads. I had a hard time seeing it even after I found out what was happening!

Same issue here, chat window settings are not being saved (such as unselecting trade chat for your main window) after reload or re-entry into game.

Same problem, at first I thought it was just when I logged out but it happened after I took a summon from valdrakken to amir to kill a boss and portal’d back.

But we have the Plunderstorm… we should be happy. :rage: :angry:


Funny they make all these “important” changes to the game but wont block all the advertisements.

Me too with the same problem.

Super annoying bug. I don’t want to read trade chat, especially not Moon Guard’s trade chat.

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I have the same issue