The chat-cache.txt has everything perfect. The game isnt reading it when I load in. If I change them around, it still isn’t remembered upon load. Is anyone else having this issue?
I fixed this issue and tested it working.
I did the following:
I had to press Reset Chat Defaults button first.
Then I had to setup the chat windows and positions the way I wanted again. I made sure to alter it somewhat so I’d know if this new setup worked. I was using Prat memory module so I turned this off to make sure it didnt somehow interfere. I ran into another issue where the General and Trade channels said “empty”, so I just left them and rejoined them and reordered them and it was fixed. Once the new setup would stay in between exit and relaunching the game, I used the old trick to copy the chat setup to other characters:
Copying chat frame settings between characters
Stay logged in on the character you wish to replace chat settings.
- Find and go into the character folder that has the chat settings you desire.
- usually found on the c: drive but its wherever you installed the game.
- path is something like: World of Warcraft/retail/WTF/Account/%ACCOUNTNAME%/server/character
- Once in the proper folder copy the file listed below.
- chat-cache.txt
- Find and go into the character folder your currently logged onto.
- delete the current file with that title and then paste the new one.
- Right click the new chat-cache.txt file.
- open properties.
- find Read-only and check the box.
- click apply then ok.
- leave the character folder open
- In game type /reload and press enter to reload your game.
- the settings should reflect your other characters chat.
- STAY logged in!!
- if you log out and back in then the changes won’t take.
Navigate back to the folder we left open or (the one we replaced files in (if you closed it)).
Right click the chat-cache.txt file.
- open properties.
- find Read-only and check the box off.
- if you don’t turn the Read-only off then it doesn’t work.
- click apply then ok.
In game type /reload and press enter to reload your game.
Everything should stay now and stop overwriting.