Chat bubble options

Currently the options for chat bubbles are;

  • All
  • None
  • Exclude party chat

all i want to do is disable chat bubbles for NPCs, why isn’t this an option?

What is the purpose of hiding just NPC chat bubbles?

Maybe this is something an addon can help you with.

Honestly, I would love to be able to select which I want shown and which I don’t. I like having NPC chat bubbles but /say chat bubbles get excessively annoying with interrupt announcers. Gets really hard to see whats going on when there are chat bubbles atop what you are tanking.

Make each one a toggle.


Wait, I never see chat bubbles?

I kind of forgot they existed, do I have them “OFF” by default?

yes, I never see that. I forgot it existed! Going to check settings, in game (Lol… quimby.)

What I mind is that you can’t right click and dismiss them, and so they block your view when you need to see what’s happening.

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because the NPC chat bubbles annoy me and get in the way in certain situations.

one example is finding a quest NPC to hand in to, and not being able to see the ! over their head because they’re repeating some mundane line i don’t need to read for the 100th time.

or my Naz follower blurting out some garbage when i’m trying to click a corpse or interact with one of the numerous really small interactables in Naz, fallen kelp bud, quest key, etc.

i would off them completely, but i want to be able to see chat bubbles for /say and /party from other players.