Charging station

Anybody else pay your 250 spare parts and 1 energy cell and have the charging station disappear right infront of you the second you pay to use it?


I’m having this issue as well. I asked General chat if anyone else was having the same problem and several people said it had been like that all day. Really sucks to have wasted those mats for it to not work.

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I ended up joining a group to kill Junkbrat and Roadtrogg and the charging station was there, Something to do with phasing as on my server I saw people phasing in and out around it

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+1. Wasted mats, frustration. Wouldn’t expect anything less from a daily zone as per usual lol.


As of today, the Charging Station is still bugged.

Players were able to complete the quest offered by “Flux”, which places the two-hour “Access: Charging Station” buff on you, but the Charging Station is not visible.

I can see many players disappearing in front of me (due to phasing) upon walking into the Charging Station area, but none of them can see the Charging Station.

Can confirm, Mechagon Charging Station is 100% bugged. It has been HOURS now and the thing has not reappeared and we have a whole raid sitting here next to it… bug reports and tickets have been submitted. It is also a reported issue on Wowhead.

As the first guy mentioned, when I join the right group the charging station is available. Solo, or in the wrong group, after paying the fee the charging station does not appear.

Also, as others have mentioned: I watch people run up to the location of the charging station and disappear and then reappear shortly afterwards.

it continues to baffle me how there isn’t some sort of limiter on sharding when you are actually in the middle of doing something, like killing some elite or actually in the middle of using a freshly built charging station and getting sharded right out.

Unfortunately, it is going to be virtually impossible to have a Blizzard GM restore these items.

Employees either reply with a “the Charging Station is meant to be destroyed” response, or “this behavior is unintended, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bug, and we don’t restore items unless it’s due to a bug”.

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still bugged

Same here, still bugged, and only 1hr left on my timer. If i didnt already hate mechagon i would def. hate it now. Complete was of time and matts. Especially considering how rare it is to not only catch the charging station up, but to catch it in build mode.
The couple of times ive been able to catch it, it was already built and so i have to pay. But because i never catch the station up, i have no charged energy cells. I manage to finally have one today, and of course the charging station f–king bugged

yup still bugged

Same issue.

Blizz needs to disable this quest and refund all the lost supplies. Then they need to take Customer out of Customer Support.

I too have had this problem. Get the response from others in chat that they are having this problem. I personally know 4 separate people who have not been able to access the charging station for over a month. All have written tickets that have remained unanswered. I’m not sure why Bliz isn’t doing something about this - unless they figure it just doesn’t matter. But I’m at the point where this inability to give a crap about us is turning me off this game. I play about twice a week now, and only because my son forces me to. I’m about ready to hang it up.