Characters should fart more

Please for my immersion
Please toot if you give a hoot


You should group with me when this cross faction stuff comes out, it’ll be an experience!

Although you might make a post after saying that characters should fart less…

If you’re in full plate armor it should have a metallic echo effect.

And if you’re also wearing a plate helmet then you should pass out a minute later when it can’t escape.


Use this on cooldown. You’re welcome.


Thanks for the recommendation but not usable in arena!? There go my evening plans

As a certain primarch of a certain fist based chapter once said . . .


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Uses foul belly toy

If you’re going that deep in immersion, everything you kill should soil itself. Busy world quest hubs would become rather slippery, and the ESRB rating of the game would be “E” (Eww!)

Surprised that wasn’t taken out.

Gnomes should pop an inch or two off the ground when they fart.

(Ok… no more wine for me)

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