My problem is I have a ton of characters but now that the companion app doesn’t have any proper scrolling or sorting that it tries to list all of them on the app.
Unfortunately, this is a lot of level 1 characters that are holding gold or exist on other realms for reasons and I haven’t deleted them.
Due to the app trying to load in level 1 characters, it’s flooded out my ability to see actual characters that need to do missions. Is there a way to fix this?
I’ve favorited the characters I can, but I can’t even see the others.
Additionally, would it be possible to have some kind of character level summary on the list?
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve rechecked the same character because I can’t keep track of their missions, etc.
Just a simple indicator of completed missions would be nice. The expansion that they’re actually completed in would be a bonus.
EDIT: I solved this by logging into my other account. There’s no way to just switch anymore. You have to log all the way out, all the way back in and choose the other account. Sometimes it shows both chars on the list still. I don’t know why.