Several characters have I play have not reappeared on the armory since the server I play on, Aman’thul, was merged with Dath’remar & Khaz’goroth, but other characters have.
I have played these characters for longer than 10 minutes online each since the server merge, they are all level 50, they have not been faction changed or recently realm transferred and have definitely not been deleted.
The characters, all located on the Oceanic server of Aman’thul, in question are as follows:
Epikeat - Level 50 Warrior -
Epidell - Level 50 Death Knight -
Epigert - Level 50 Paladin -
Epistab - Level 50 Rogue -
Epicèntèr - Level 50 Shaman -èntèr
Epiderp - Level 50 Demon Hunter -
I have included links for where these characters should be found, but only 404 errors remain and I cannot fix this myself.
I cannot select these characters to post this topic as on the forums, either.