Characters level lower than other characters

I played wow for 12 years I was gone for 11 years I just came back and I’m a little upset that I can’t get a hold of wow via telephone or email and I can’t even put in a ticket so I’m resolved to coming here to vent my frustrations I’m getting really pissed off because I’m getting the runaround I want to know why my 7 level 100 Tunes have now been reduced to four level 40 Tunes my Paladin is 40 my hunter is 40 my death knight is 40 and my priest is 40 but my monk is 35 my warlock is 35 and my shaman is 36 why? Why aren’t they all level 40 because they were all a level 100 before I quit playing they were all max level they had all Max professions and Max skills and I can’t get a hold of anybody to answer my questions this is a real shoddy way of running a business when customers cannot communicate at all ! I want to talk to somebody on the phone or email this game won’t even let me put in a ticket it’s too hard and too confusing to find the right category just let me put in a ticket and you can read what I have to say and answer accordingly


There’s a few things about this post that don’t make sense. But I’ll ignore all that for now and just say…you’re on the Classic forums.


I’m assuming you are talking about retail:

In several expansions the toon levels have been squished (BofA and Dragonflight I believe) so if your last played at 100 in Legion it’s only 40 now because the NPC’s in Legion are ALSO at level 40. Makes sense?

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so Hayhunter, your toons didn’t lose any levels neither blizzard reduced them.


yeah it sounds like retail. they character levels just got squished, you didnt lose anything.


Im not scrolling down to see if anyone said it before me, but the game level squished. There is absolutely nothing you can do in retail to get back to level 100 because it doesn’t exist anymore.

The level cap is once again 80 for retail from war within. 70 for DF, 60 for SL because that was the expansion that stat squished from like level 120.

Why they’re different idk, probably a total of 10 extra minutes to bring your 35s to 40 at this point. You can take your toons, max each one out to 80 before you can would be able to get a single new classic toon to 60, so don’t stress, if you want to still play retail then just play, you’ll have your max toons back before you know it.

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Thank you for your reply yes I’ve been gone for 11 years and when I left it was all one game and now I’m trying to comprehend that there’s retail and there’s classic and there’s other things I’m trying to learn but it’s hard for me to understand how I had seven 100 level characters and now I mean I understand you know they got squashed but I’m trying to comprehend why my Paladin is 40 my hunter is 40 my death knight is 40 and my priest is all 40 but my Monk Is Now 35 my warlock is 35 and my Shaman is 36 I would think that they would all be 40 that’s where I’m confused thank you so much for your reply

Yes there is three total versions you can choose from

World of Warcraft - Retail, this is the modern game, currently War Within

Cata Classic - This is just cata, it is the original classic 2019 servers, they have been progressing through the expacs, mop is next.

World of warcraft (classic) - this is the mueseum. This is where you’ll find the original 2019 era servers but they never advanced and are still p6 classic era. You’ll also find SOD, HC, and the fresh anniversary servers here. All of these gamemodes take place within the classic world currently, but the anni servers should as we currently know from Blizz will go to TBC as next years presumed anni servers.

I don’t know why either, but it’s pretty moot. Leveling is very fast in retail, it is not like you remember from 11 years ago. Hit some RDF runs, you’ll get whatever main you’re maining to max before you know it, promise.

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Okay thank you very much I appreciate your response