So, log in and all my characters are all out of order. Different characters in my camp. Anyone else have this issue? Should I be worried?
Others have said it happens when you play Plunderstorm and come back to the main game.
That’s convenient.
It seems rather inconvenient to me.
Happened to me.
I reorganized them and it happened again.
So I gave up.
Figure I’ll try to rearrange them next big patch.
Happened to me it was very annoying to re organize them all again.
I had to do it twice, fortunately not a third.
I saw a similar complInt yesterday but when I checked my dudes this morning they were fine. Addon conflict maybe?
yeah…that’s the game…i have the same problem.
i also don’t want to see my characters from other
realms mixed in with those of the realm i’m currently
they also juggle the order regularly…i set them up the way
i want them, and next time i log in…the order has been shifted
This just happened to me. I feel your pain.
I’m not touching Plorm until they fix this. Because if I have to spend another hour reordering my characters, I will throw something out the window.
Yes, it’s terrible. Also that horrible tauren keeps forgetting that I told her to hide my profession equipment.
This is a terrible errosion of my quality of life.
No you should not be. If someone hacked your account, they wouldn’t move your toons around as a prank, it happens to a lot of people. It happens to me from time to time when I move from one battlenet account to another and sometimes even one account to another on this same battlent account. So for you, if you are hopping in between accounts it can happen or maybe other ways. It annoys me just a little.
Happened to me after playing plunderstorm.