Character won't load

I am experiencing this same issue.

I and some friends are having this issue as well, Friend got in and then got disconnected when entering shadowlands content.

I was doing the main story quests in the Maw with my girlfriend, when they Waystone vanished after she used it to leave; before I could click it. Tried relogging. The character loads 3/4 of the way through, pauses, then disconnects me.

What is even going on?

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Same here none of my characters can be found had to log to eat, could not even log off had to close WoW to exit, should have never left I guess, so much for getting things right before releasing it Blizz!!

I’m having the same issue.

Not sure why my lobie hunter made this reply should always be on my Main

I am having the same issue with at least three of my characters.

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On Stormrage, none of my characters are showing up. It says they are there on the server list, but they wont load. Some of the other servers dont do this.

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Same issue as everyone here i even did the whole delete the blizzard.catch and still broken