Character with the best hair/beard in Warcraft?

I’ll go with Magni, I mean, d i a m o n d b e a r d. Velen has a good beard too tho.


Back in Antorus, we called him Tauntbeard. It was impossible to pull the mob off of him right before Eonar

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Damn. That’s hard because I could throw a rock in any direction in IF and hit an excellent candidate. As long as the dwarf doesn’t have the Amish beard or Fabio haircut. :smiley:

Since I’ve been playing in Howling Fjord recently, I’ll nominate this big guy. Pretty sure there’s a named one you ride in a different zone, but I can’t recall his name.

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Not the forsaken :frowning:

Odyn has a beard made of lava. Pretty solid candidate.


Yea, storm giants have such marvelous beard, I forgot about them. And the one you ride is Gymer, KING of the STORM GIANTS, in Zul’drak. I wish that quest was a daily just for fun.

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The Dorfs all have epic beards, even the females.

They should join the horde!



them adorable buns.


that firey red messy hair

I don’t know about best, but we know the best beard is NOT a Kul Tiran. The dudes can’t even rock a full beard.

Wouldn’t that be semifluid? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Thank you!! Looking forward to doing that quest again soon as I’m almost to Zul’drak. I’ll take a screenshot like I did last time. :smiley: I like your thinking on the daily quest part. It would be a lot of fun.