Character Weapons

so lots of people play combatant characters and therefore they have weapons. what kind of weapons does your character use? are they esoteric? magical? technological? mundane? unique? do they have names? backstories? please, ruin our theoretical brunch by telling me all about your character’s weaponry.

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Typically, I play characters who don’t have much attachment to their weapons. Since they’re not prestigious people; weapons come and go with the passage of time or talent. Primarily; my spellcasters like Wenzli here doesn’t care much for weapons. Her medicinal and intellectual skills are far more important.

For the longest time, this character didn’t have any weapons she actively fought with (I gave her a tiny dagger I figured was more of a tool and impromptu defense if for some reason she could not shift), but then I finally got this glaive to drop.

So I tied it in with her tragic backstory™ and added this bird helmet, too, as the items she inherited from her druid father - what the druids could find and bring back from the Firelands, that is. Despite the glaive not being designed for her, she’s practiced with it a lot, and I was looking forward to RPing her using a weapon. (It’s easier to write a non-harmful fumble of a weapon than a fumble when trying to bite something, after all. :smile: )

Unfortunately, I’d dropped out of RPing by that point, so like just about everything I planned for this character, it only exists in my head. All she has is an ‘at a glance’ description of having a helmet that’s a size to big and a glaive that’s clearly made for someone taller.


Bates is a spirit, and so is everything he wears. Including his sword. So is Bates made of sword? Or is the sword made of Bates? He screams, for he does not know.


Zhao carries a family heirloom sword. It was originally won by the founder of her lineage and contains a bit of chi, giving it some very minor magical properties. I retroactively named it Yo-na Ra for partially meta reasons.

The sword is rather large and meant to optimize attacks from a drawing position, which encompasses many of her primary techniques.

The weapons actual story isn’t too special. To summarize there was an ambitious warrior in Pandaria who got bloodthirsty and gained a reputation for such. He challenged Zhao’s ancestor Ju, then a renowned warrior, and he commissioned the sword for that duel. Ju proceeded to beat him without drawing blood and took the sword, then later refitted it and imbued it with a portion of her chi. Zhao initially inherited it as part of a mission to find and connect with members of the clan her family descended from and has kept it ever since.

The concept of chi being used in weapons is one I’ve used a lot for Pandaren characters. I’ll probably mention more later, along with others.

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ive made so many damn weapons in my rp career that its moderately obscene. so ill just go over my favorite two or three. ill see how i feel by the time i get there.

the divided blade was a weapon used by an alien warlord who was deeply empowered by the void. though in its basic state it appeared as any typical (yet massive due to the size of its wielder) greatsword, it could divide into a myriad of shapes. the favored forms that its user commanded were its dual short sword form, its chained form, and its bladestorm form. the dual sword version is fairly self explanatory. the chained form was a sword whip like ivy valentine or byleth. the bladestorm form is like if you threw a bunch of really small leaves into the air, but they were all razor sharp pieces of metal. dangerous stuff.

a lot of the weapons in my storyline were swords because swords always have that symbolic weight of “nobility”. and usually i attribute nobility in my storytelling to “having a noble cause” instead of “being of higher class birth”. in the end, all of these swords were broken. greyheart, revolution, and the divided blade in specific were reformed into a single unnamed sword. the nameless blade bears the weight of the hopes and dreams of the lost, a weapon forged of both despair and belief. it carries the enchantments of all three weapons that were used to build it. it bears the dreams of the dead. that includes the person that sint used to be. she doesn’t much like looking at it, nor particularly using it, but she must. until her duty’s end. (which it has! so it’s been put away.)

ok i’ll share one more before i feel like im uber oversharing (which i tend to do). weathervane is the name given to the model of mechanical arm that was first invented by an engineering team headed by dengarl dagon. designed with magic in mind, it was crafted from a unique alloy of magical metals to allow for the the flow of magic, or even if its user transformed. its first model was commissioned for geneva algol, long time friend of the dagon family. though bulky and quite a lot less articulate than a real arm, it could be retrofitted with all sorts of gadgets and could withstand the offensive spellcasting used by geneva. its newest model is currently in use by sint dagon, and it is a far more sleek and lightweight design. though it has a lot less space for fiddling, it comes very close to being a proper replacement for a lost arm as most can imagine. not as strong, not as elegant, but definitely much harder to break and a perfect magical conduit. why is this a weapon? well. these arms were designed with internal cannons, repeater crossbows (and even bullets in later designs), hidden blades, grappling hooks, etc. if you are a shapeshifter and commission one of these designs, be careful not to load it with more than a handful of extras. transformation is made a lot easier with a lot less complications.

ok i still overshared but this is fake sint signing out

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My character is currently figuring out how to make a ranged weapon and arrow/bolt set to augment her magic marksmanship. Ideally, using a crossbow would work better, with the crossbow itself acting as a magical tool to ‘enchant’ the bolt with whatever spell she desires. Drawbacks are that it lacks the power and range of a bow or traditional spellcasting but makes up for it with mobility and a little more versatility. Weaker against tough, magic resistant enemies but good to have as a supporting team member or working in tandem with a companion.

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Alright so Ju, not to be confused with the one mentioned my previous post, previously wielded a sword that was also a Cloudpaw heirloom. Before getting it she fought with a wooden training sword and claimed the sword after beating its previous wielder to death, incurring a long living grudge against her from the clan.

The sword itself is one of a pair made for an ancient Wardancer. Each sword was twice empowered with chi, with the creator’s chi forming the blade’s core and the original owner’s chi empowering gems that capped each hilt.

Ju eventually embarked on a quest to find the other sword and complete the set. When she found the sword’s resting place she left the first one behind and gave the second to the Steelpaw as part of a task; believing she had proven to herself that she didn’t need either (actually in retrospect the whole thing was rather similar to Mitsurugi’s ending in Soulcalibur 4; which is as fitting as it was unintentional). She then proceeded to have a similar sword of her own made, using her chi to form the weapon’s core.

While not a physical weapon technically, Ju also later learned how to form weapons using her chi; like a Sword-singer from Elder Scrolls. It’s taxing enough to keep her from doing it all the time, and considering how I imagine it to be it’d be pretty op otherwise.

Also here’s the last part of the story about those swords:

And a link to a lore page about Sword-singers, incase folks don’t know what I’m referencing there:

this isn’t even my final form

He screams: “Please visit Duskwood.”


Rhonako has no attachment to a specific weapon, rather, what weapon she has on hand, at all times.

She’ll carry a staff one days. Others she’ll have an enchanted short sword.

Rhonako will always, no matter what day, have a small dagger tucked away in her robes at all times. She’ll never be without a knife and it is part of the “Four Things Essential to Survival Everywhere.”

The Four Essential Tools:

1.) A small knife
2.) Flint and Steel
3) A metallic cup or bowl
4.) A piece of chalk

The knife is for fending off bandits, thieves, and general utility. Flint and steel are for fire starting. The metallic cup and bowl are for catching water and boiling it for purification. The piece of chalk is for writing messages on stone in case a traveler wanders by it if she’s stranded somewhere.

She’s a mage. The chances she’ll be stranded or struggling for survival again are pretty slim so long as she minds her mana flow and keeps reagents for spells on hand. But old Voldunai habits die hard.

Sorry for rambling.


When I was younger, I obsessively ran Siege of Orgrimmar trying to get all of those heirloom weapons thinking I was going to have “one of every class” in time for WoD. I think that was the only time they did something like that, heirloom weapons instead of a end-game legendary or something similar. Anyways, when I was a wee lad I was infatuated with the High Warlord’s Pig Sticker. The amount of detail and intensity for a classic-era weapon was simply pinches fingers. Naturally, I wanted the new Pig Sticker. I got the Hellscream’s Warbow and the Hellscream’s Decapitator instead. That was after 20-something-days of continuously farming Garrosh pre-Badluck Protection nerfs. So, after, I don’t know, at least 200-300 attempts on multiple characters and even being invited for a mythic attempt, I was pretty done and gave up on my dream.

I was a human at the time on Moon Guard. I thought both weapons were incredibly lame and fit none of my characters. I couldn’t even use them for transmog purposes. They sat in my bank for awhile, only used the bow for leveling. Sometime during S1 of WoD, I transferred here and hung out as a nobody, thinking of where I’d go after I left MG. I pushed to 2k on my hunter for the first time to get the transmog I have now. I thought it was cool, but the itch to go back to MG won… for a few weeks. I then came back to WrA, put the set back on, and thought to myself: “I bet the bow would fit this mog”. Well, what do you know, it’s as if they were made for one another.

I preface with this story because I had no - read it - NO fanon for the bow. I just threw it on. I didn’t even have a full TRP3 made for the character yet, nor did I know what I really wanted to do. It wasn’t even my first choice for a weapon mog. The Living Longbow was a cooler, HD Rhok’delar to me. Eventually I threw the Warbow on and ran around with it in some RP hubs. In passing, someone mentioned to the just-born-Jan-Mak that he had “a siegebreaker’s bow”. It was an orc in the Wolfheart Warband. “Such a relic was only retrieved during the Siege of Orgrimmar.” That one-off left a lasting impression on me and how to shape Jan-Mak. I was always infatuated by Vol’jin, the Horde, and the Siege in general. I was always held back by community restriction and abusive friends. So, having a random encounter like that really springboarded my character. A veteran of the Horde that sacrificed a lot in the Siege of Orgrimmar. Pledged himself to Vol’jin, and saved one of the ancient Warlord weapons and ended up using it (when he probably shouldn’t have at the time).

Does the bow have any special powers? No. Is it even a good weapon (in comparison to all the stuff we see now)? No. Does it look cool? Yeah. Nothin’ special about it. No incredible limit-break ability. No ultimate form. Just a bow. The draw weight for a troll must be incredibly intimidating, too. Over time, I ended up writing sections for it in the TRP3. Now, it’s just a staple part of him.


Leah’s pretty sentimental, even if she doesn’t readily admit it. Her dagger is the same one she’s been carrying since she started carrying a dagger, and she does everything with it - skinning, filleting fish, as well as self defense on occasion. Her fishing pole once belonged to her father (I know we’re talking weapons, but if you think she won’t hit you over the head with a fishing pole, you’re wrong). Her bow was enchanted by a druid friend so that it blooms flowers. She also has a spear that another friend made for her - it’s decorated with bear claws and a bear paw motif because her friend knows she’s got an affinity for druids.

My vulpera carries a scythe that belonged to his missing mother. Doesn’t really use it to fight, though.

My other main character is a tauren monk so mostly just his fists there. And hooves.

Taking a brief break from my Pandaren characters, I have Gunman character that uses magic guns; a rifle and pistol. In short they’re more or less aesthetically normal but lacking certain components that a normal gun would need to fire; including a trigger. Firing these weapons requires a special sigil inscribed on the wielder’s hand. Energy is fed from this sigil into an enchanted cartridge which then launches a bolt of arcane energy; as such it’s somewhat like a wand, I suppose, but much more powerful. The personalized method of firing also means that few could really use these weapons against her. A Mage feasibly could but runs the risk of overloading and destroying the weapon in the process. As a slight aside the sigil can be used to discharge energy on its own, but that of course would be comparably less effective.

My Dwarf Paladin has a similar pistol. My Dark Iron Dwarf Mage also has similar guns in her possession and is ic one of the minds behind these weapons, along with a Gnome character I briefly used to have. In a more meta sense the mechanics inherent in the concept were lifted from a similar concept from my own fantasy setting.

Temu’jin’s title (The Hammer of Kimbul) comes from his loa blessed mace which serves as a weapon and also a symbol of his skill at the forge as a revered blacksmith. I actually modeled his transmog set around the mace he wields.


Teilaiya has three different weapons or sets she uses.

The Sangryn Swords

Made by a blacksmith in Silvermoon, they were originally stuck to a wall as decoration in a noble’s manor, Teilaiya robbed him, took many of his possessions to a fence, but she enjoyed the sleek look of these swords and they became her signature in her heists.

Wherever Teilaiya went, the Sangryn swords were on her back. Not in a cross no, she fashioned a special sheath that held them both with a wider top, that allowed her to easily draw and put away both swords, that fit together next to each other as one, they were both thin enough.

To this day she has these swords locked away, a reminder of her brutality, and her wicked past.

The Shadow Father's Blades

One set of daggers she owns once belonged to the master Assassin of the International Omen Company, nicknamed the Shadow Father, father of his own dark cult of personality.

The Shadow Father was a Forsaken, he hated to be ruled, and hated the very notion of ‘Glory to the Dark Lady’.

The rebel before being a rebel in Tirisfal was cool.

He built a substantial assassination empire, his contracts ranged upwards of several thousand gold in value.

“Wars are not won by the honorable sword, but by the assassin in the back.” He would teach his disciples. He was nearly untouchable, but for one fatal flaw; he plotted the fall of the Sangryn daughter, Teilaiya’s daughter.

And everyone knows, the world hath no fury like a mother scorned.

Yes; This means that Teilaiya brought down a world wide international crime syndicate with the best assassins kept on retainer, and headed up by a bitter, and master of daggers, because her daughter got kidnapped. Liam Neeson vibes intensify.

Blade of Serenity

Given to her by her master on the Peak of Serenity; Hao-Ji. This katana was a reward for overcoming her most base and wicked demons, for completing her training in the ways of the monk and chi combat. When she finally received this blade, she realized she did not need it.

As her own body had become a weapon.

But still, this weapon was invaluable to her when the Alliance and the Horde both came to the shores of Pandaria, to plunder what has become her home of everything that was not nailed down. And Teilaiya saw there was depravity in both the Alliance and the Horde as she used this blade to free Pandaren conscripts from both sides.

Her weapons have a rich history, and they are her own personal artifacts, artifacts that mean a lot to her but have little meaning out of her tiny circle of the world.

And they make her exceptionally. . .

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I’m not much for fighting, but I always have my guitar in case I have to go proper Sig Nicious on a geez. A good resonator will knock any punter right out of his trainers!

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As an orc, Araghar was born with weapons. Molded by them. He didn’t see a shield until he was a man and even them it was CUMBERSOME.

Jokes aside, Araghar has several weapons he uses in character depending on what he has to do. His main 2 (maybe 3, if you count the second pair being twin blades) are Kaz’grom, the Iron Cleaver and Hacksaw & Headtaker.

(Taken from my TRP, where I have all my armor and weapons with flavor text.)

Hacksaw & Headtaker
A pair of crude yet durable swords from Araghar’s early career. Shattered and reforged many times, the pair of swords–though they might be considered cleavers with how they are supposed to be handled–hold a great sentimental value to the warrior, and are effective when used properly.

Kaz’grom, the Iron Cleaver
An axe fashioned from an unknown metal, Araghar claimed this weapon after defeating a captain of the Iron Horde when they invaded the Blasted Lands. It is wickedly sharp, and helps easily cleave through armor and bone.

Other than that, Araghar has several suits of armor, but this is a weapon thread so I won’t go into too much detail.


I had a few smaller ones I wanted to mention eventually, and since I just remembered I wanted to do that I’m gonna do it now.

When she does use a weapon Zhao’s mother, Pingyang, typically uses a weighted chain. There’s nothing particularly special about it, it’s just a long chain with a dense slender block of metal on one end. She usually uses it for locks and arrests; setting up for throws or more sophisticated disabling techniques. Probably not too interesting but unique nonetheless.

I had a Pandaren Rogue who used a similar weapon configuration wherein she’d have a chain attached to her sword. I suppose one could compare it to Kratos, though I was actually inspired by a class from Black Desert.

I’ve had a few characters who use the Spellfire Longsword; that model with the misty blue blade that everyone likens to a lightsaber. I had this head canon where only the hilt is a physical constant and the blade needs to be created when needed, kind of like lighting a torch.

My Worgen Mage has a pair of enchanted gauntlets which augment her claws a bit. They’re something I added on to the character after rping with a Draenei blacksmith who made them ic. It was a pretty nice and immersive moment.

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Washote mostly relies on magic when it comes to combat. However, as a plagueshifter he has learned to capture and also remove poisons, disease, and other maladies. So he keeps a few various items on him at all times.

The first are his plague guardian stones. Four stones that are enchanted and used by Plagueshifters to create a ward so that poisons, disease, plagues, etc cannot enter the area created by the stones, nor can anything within the area escape it. Washote’s stones are carved with Tauren symbols honoring the Earthmother and nature.

Secondly he cares a set of vials on him at all time in his medicine bag. Some are empty and used for capturing the above maladies while others are actually filled with maladies already and used against combatants he comes across his journeys. No one ever expects to suddenly be covered in boils or finding themselves loosing their mind due to an unexpected poison or disease slowly eating away at them…

Finally he carries a staff with him that is carved from the wood of a tree in Mulgore and said to hold the skull of a great Thunderbeast of the sky which he encounter during one of his journeys once. The staff serves more as a focusing tool with his magic and as a last resort as a tool for melee combat when enemies get too close to him. (I use as the mog for this.)