Character Transfer Bundles Available for WoW® Classic

Who said there was? My stance is that transfers are always destructive to communities. Using them as a last resort is the only time such a tool is warranted. Such interventions are better left out of players’ hands since history has clearly shown users can and will abuse them.

Also, Classic Era is fresh and you can’t give sound argument against that.

nooo I think you are confused, server transfers arent ALWAYS destructive, they just are… server transfers. There is nothing deeper there.

You are however incorrect about era being the same as fresh. Fresh would imply that everyone was starting at level 1, and that X dungeons or raids would not be in the game. You can patch in Dire Maul, Horde hinterlands quests, and other things that were not in the game at launch as the server timeline progresses.

What you are referring to as “era” is the entirety of vanilla content all at once, which completely alters the way people play and progress through the game.

For you

Tell me, what happens when the first person logs in and dings level 2 just as you, the second person to log in, creates their character. That precious level playing field has evaporated!

Pack it up boys, time to wait for the next F R E S H

Here’s another example of how “Era” and “Fresh” are different,

In Era I could create a character right now, and acquire either of the PVP sets if I dedicate enough time.

In Fresh I could create a character right now, and I wouldn’t be able to do BG’s because they wouldn’t be in the game, or I wouldn’t be able to acquire the set because it wouldn’t be available yet. So on and so forth depending on how blizzard decides to implement content.

This is just one example but there are numerous others of how gearing and player progression are altered between “Era” and “Fresh”

Wrong. You would if you dedicate enough time.

Era is your sister, Fresh is someone who saved themselves for marriage. I’m going fresh my dude.

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Getting logged in by an auditorium full of sweaty men pretending to be girls at once


please say this isnt the 2nd promotion listed on the recent “this week in WoW”

you just described the entirety of the wow community… so you’re agreeing with me that if they released fresh there would be literal auditoriums full of people ready to play.

Do you mean pve->pvp transfers?

There is no restriction on this any longer. It is no longer listed as a restriction on the transfers support page for Classic Era and others have already taken advantage of that.

Bulk transfer sale?
Increased character limit per server to 50 per realm?
Players wanna consolidate?

You like to share when you eRP

WoW has a rich RP community, look at you hating people for no reason.

Aw let’s not kink shame


It’s mind boggling that this is now just the norm, HAS been the norm. It’s the norm for Blizzard to force the player to balance their servers. We paid for the game. We pay for the Expansions. We pay a monthly subscription, and if we want to play on a populated realm we pay for that as well. How much profit is enough?


Instead of offering fixes to the community for the problems of server balance that you let propagate… you charge more money to fix it. This is garbage.

Expensive. Garbage.

All you do is fiddle some bits in a database and make bank on it. I hate how much you all charge - even when it’s “on sale”.

For gods sakes, bundle a faction and server transfer together. It only makes sense.

It also implies a fresh economy which would do wonders for curbing gdkp. It also implies fresh raiding scene. It also implies many new players at lower levels making the experience more fun. It also implies that you wont get ganked as hard because theres no BiS running around. This also makes pvp more fun. Perhaps it would bring BGS back at low levels too. Fresh implies many things. not just a more even playing field. Also you understand the difference between 2 level difference and 40 level difference with BiS gear right?

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No. The players’ behavior is what curbs gdkp. Your ‘fresh’ raiding scene, lowbies, gankers or lack therof are all readily available in Classic Era.