After transferring my character from Netherwind (dead server) to Grobbulus in TBC Classic, my post history is gone and I have no avatar. Is there a fix for this? Thanks.
There is no way to give your posting history back to that particular character. What you can do is roll a character with the exact same name on your old server and the history should attach itself to that character. It’s bound to the name and server.
As for your avatar, it should kick in eventually. The forums kind of have a mind of their own sometimes.
Ok, that’s interesting on the post history. I might do that just so I can go back and check it if needed.
Yah, a lot of people don’t realize that’s a thing. But definitely just roll a new character. I can’t think of any time that that hasn’t worked to hold onto one’s posting history/trust levels.
I’m dumb. I forgot to mention that you will have to level them to level 10 so that they can post on the forums. So there is that too.
Thanks. I may not do that, so that leaves me looking like a noob on the forum with a 3 post count but being able to see that history again would be nice at least.
Everyone (reasonably) expects everything in the WoW website to understand what a character is, and that the character name is just a part of the character. Anything you can do in a character service to a character doesn’t affect that – it’s still the same character.
Except the forum. It’s a third-party product so it doesn’t have a deeper understanding of your character than your name and your realm, and if you change either of those you’re a brand new guy as far as the forums are concerned.
It makes sense when you think about it but one of those things maybe they should add to the fine print on the character transfer.
2 weeks later. No avatar still on my Classic hunter.