Character titles do not persist in Dragonflight zones after logging out

Bump. Also gear is not updating on log in screen.

Happens to all my characters as well, so many bugs, so little testing, Blizz more concerned with quarterly reports than a quality product.

still happening please fix

Still happening – I tried to submit a ticket in-game, but the “Submit” button was grayed out and I couldn’t.

bug still persists

This won’t even be seen. This is probably so low-level, that the devs will delete every complaint about it and go back to their back-patting ceremony.

C’mon, Blizz, this should not be so hard to fix…

I wanna show my Minion of Mayhem and the Tomb Raider titles in my main toons :frowning:

Which I did for the entirety of SL, btw :open_mouth:

Still happening.

Blue pls, we need a fix =(

Blizzard you had two maintenances already, why isn’t this fixed?

Made a WeakAura to fix this issue:
Though you need to replace the title name manually in the code.
To do so:

  1. Open WeakAura with /wa
  2. Go to the “Trigger” tab
  3. Click on the “Expand” button
  4. You can see the following code: local titleName = “the Chosen”;
  5. Replace the “the Chosen” text with a title name. (Keep the two " symbols. And don’t replace anything else in the code!)