Character stuck - service not working

My char is stuck falling through the world. The stuck service page doesnt work!!! I’ve tried getting in touch with blizzard support, which is an awful experience btw. After hours I finally got a response, but they moved the wrong char!!!

2 hours later I get a bot reply…

Anyone else getting this issue???

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I have this issue also. In Azh Kehet while doing my campaign, I fell through the ground and the game disconnected.

When I try to log back in, I see my character falling for a split second and it disconnects me again.

As suggested, I tried to rename the folders, WTF Cache Interface, and I tried Scan & Repair in the app.

The Stuck Character Service says it cannot locate any of my characters.

I am not able to find a way to create a ticket.

Please help; thank you.

I found this link on another forum page to open a ticket and I was able to do so:

good luck

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I submitted a ticket about it. Maybe minutes later I logged in and my character was outside Stormwind. What a relief! The ticket was answered, and I marked the ticket as resolved. I am very pleased with the support I received.

The falling-disconnecting issue, as someone mentioned might be a candidate for bug fix category.

Thank you for that link. This helped me out the quickest way. I submitted a different ticket last night through a different category and I got an automated response that wasn’t even about my issue.