Character Stuck In-Game

I soft DC’d at the end of a key and I had to alt+f4. The game wouldn’t let me log back into my character because “that character name already exists”. So I’m sitting here on my paladin monitoring my guild roster, waiting for my hunter to afk log out of the game. This shouldn’t still be a thing in the game after 20 years.


Same here, stuck on Isle of Dorn. Self-service doesn’t work, so glad we had maintenance today…

Stuck in an alternate reality via Time Rift because she’s experiencing a time-paradox where she exists simultaneously in two places at once. Whatever Blizzard did really screwed with the base format of the game it seems!

My alt and my wife’s alt are stuck in two separate TW dungeons. Everyone is reporting the same issues of either being stuck in the instances or can’t enter them.

Half of my raid group is experiencing this issue. Seems to be triggered upon looting something in Nerub-ar Palace. Happened consistently for multiple people (and characters) after attempting to loot first pull in the raid.