Character stuck falling off Bastion near Temple of Courage, can't login

Hi, I am making a support topic here because I can’t get through to support any other way. I have tried the Stuck Character Service many times, most of the time it just seems to time out and goes back to the option select screen where I submit the Stuck Character request again, but some times it just says An error occured.

My character is stuck falling off the map (not glitched through the floor, but simply jumped off the side of the map) near Temple of Courage. I get to the point where my character is about to be saved by the angel and I get disconnected. I’ve tried many different things to try and login again: turned off all addons, waited 15 minutes with the game closed, etc. Every single time I get into game, it does the freefall animation for half a second, then disconnect. Character stuck is this one I’m posting as, Nexiom.

Please help

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Exactly same problem here.
My character is falling. Everytime I log in I get disconected.
Have wait 15 minutes and tried every thing that I have found in the forums.
Peuma from Ragnaros Server.

Just saw this thread get bumped with a blue post. Log in, immediate DC in Bastion - #5 by Valineira-ravencrest

Will follow that thread now I guess

I fell off in Bastion the other day, and would just get a long loading screen and then get in see that I was still falling for like a second before dc again. I was able to use the character stick tool, could see if that works.

That page doesn’t work for me. I’ve tried it several times. Sometimes it will say “Oops! It looks like something went wrong.” or it will just seemingly time out after 20 minutes of spinning and goes back to the ticket options selection screen.

Not working for me also. Keep waiting and waiting until I get “Oops! It looks like something went wrong.” error and everything starts again…

Aw, yeah just saw the other thread and saw that people had issues with the self service :slightly_frowning_face: oh well, worth a try. Hopefully your toons get sorted soon!

Exactly same problem.
Jceey from frostmourne

We’ve forwarded reports about the page not loading correctly. It is being looked into. Sorry folks, we’ll get that option back as quickly as we can.

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Thanks! Is there anything that can be done about my character in the short term?

My character is stuck as well constant disconnect in bastion can you please get it unstuck while your webpage is not working

Commodore - Arthas

Same issue here.

Still happening to me on iingling - Kel’Thuzad …

me pasa algo parecido, me mori y ahora no puedo logear con ese personaje. Tampoco me funciona el servicio para desatascar personajes de la pagina

Can we get some help please @Vrakthris

Same issues with me, Mayuki on Area-52.

ZDK on dawnbringer stuck falling in Maldrazzes log in falling dc over and over tryed all steps been like this since maint

If the page is timing out where you cannot use it, it would probably be best to submit a ticket using this.

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Submitted. Thanks Vrakthris!