Character specific bug affecting ability to queue dungeons

I went through the campaign on one character, got to the quest to do The Rookery at level 71, did it no problems. Now I’m working on another character, and I’m on the same quest (Calling the Stormriders).

There is an NPC related to the quest that you can talk to that will put you in queue for The Rookery follower dungeon. When I do this, after the role check I get the error message “You do not meet the requirements for the chosen dungeons.” I open dungeon finder to queue through there, both specific dungeon and follower dungeon drop downs are blank. Nothing to queue for. Random isn’t even a greyed out option, it just doesn’t exist in the drop down.

I’m level 75 and ilevel 486 which is higher than my first character was. I checked a few other characters and they can all queue at level 71. It’s just this one character that can not do this dungeon, which the rest of the campaign is locked behind.

I also can’t seem to open a ticket. After describing my problem the support feature just directs me to a page listing common reasons to be unable to queue for dungeons, non of which pertain to me. When I hit the button that says something along the lines of my problem isn’t resolved, it forwards me to a blank page that I’m assuming is supposed to have additional options, but there aren’t any. So I guess I just abandon this character unless a Blizz employee sees this?

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