Character Sorting

PLEASE give us a way(s) to sort our character list even further now that they’ve all been slammed into one list. I have several characters across multiple servers that I have sorted to my liking with the new list only to have them be scrambled once every few days. I cannot take this anymore. :sob:

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Wish they had a function to sort by character levels. tired of re-organizing after I play plunderstorm

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11.1 PTR appears to add a little more structure/grouping to the character list at the camp screen.

good news, you will get sorting very soon. its coming in 11.1, its more groups of 4, but its better than having a jumbled list

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On next patch, you’ll be able to create Warband camps instead of having only one group of “favorites” and assign up to four characters to each. While there’s still some issues with that (you can’t swap the groups’ order, for instance), it will allow you to better organize your characters. Camps can also be named and minimized in the character list so it will be easier to locate the ones you are searching.

Also, there’s a new character search function in the selection screen. (Actually, this function already exists in Live, it’s above the character list. It locates character by name, but you can also type server, class, spec and it will sort the characters that fit)

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