Character Not Found/No characters on realm

Ok so i play on Stormrage/Laughing skull/Alterac Mountains/Area 52 i ran into an issue yesterday with the whole “Character Not found” and i eventually ran into an “Error 132 (Access_Violation)” i ended up uninstalling world of warcraft and reinstalling and it worked i was able to play today easily everything was going good than i was away for about an hour and WoW auto disconnected me so i try to relog in and it seems to be taking along time to load in “Retrieving realm list” it eventually loads and it shows all the realms and it shows none of the realms i have characters on as if i dont have a single character made on any realm at all so i scroll down and i click on my main realm “Stormrage” and it takes awhile to load but it eventually does and my characters show up on the realm after having a mini heart attack thinking my characters got deleted… so i click on one of my toons and click Enter World it loads 90% than says character not found… Literally at a loss for words now this is extremely annoying i just want to play and i dont have any idea what to do…


Same here, Area-52, or really NONE of my characters on ANY realm is showing up on the realm list.

When I click Area-52 and my characters finally DO populate the screen, I get hun up at 70% load in and then I’m popped back to the character selection screen with, “Character Not Found”


i just tried this and it did not work =/

Logging out/in of BNet worked for me last night, no luck tonight. Been doing it repeatedly for the last hour. No luck. :frowning:

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this patch screwed everything up and sad its not even true pre patch


I have 10 toons on bleeding hollow yet it says i have no toons on any server??

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Yeah before this patch my friend said how much do you want to be its going to break and I said well of course its going to but I had absolutely no idea it was going to be to this level of breaking


ya 4hours cant log in fml lmao


So today’s hot fix was really to break the game for the few people who managed to get it running on patch day?

You know, I can actually see that…




I had this problem yesterday but, with enough login attempts I got it to work. Today I’m having the same problem. I’ve been trying to log on since 5pm PST and all I’ve gotten so far is a blank realmlist. Not sure what to do but, I’m pretty sure everyone’s characters are still there. Just takes time I think.

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this is way beyond broken lol


I’m encountering the same issue on all the realms I play on. Has Blizzard acknowledged this problem at all?


ive been looking for about an hour on anything about this and havent been able to find much on this Exact issue

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Their twitter “We are currently aware of an issue causing players to receive “Character Not Found” in-game and are working on a resolution.” -Blizzard

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same here and nothing on my end also


Same. I run on linux using wine, I was beginning to think that it was just a incompatability problem, but its safe to hear others are going through the same. This pre-patch is very annoying.

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I logged onto stormrage and my characters showed up. Tried logging into them and it gives “character not found” error and kicks me back to character select. So they only semi-load


Has anyone tried to delete the WTF, interface and cache folders? I have the “no character found” problem on Windows because some of my addons are incompatible. Deleting the three folders solve the problem. I am wondering if it is also the solution for Linux.