Character Not Found

Yah i have a chat ticket open atm with a 36 min wait.

Same for me on Whitemane

Same here Whitemane , loading bar stuck at 3/4 

Same here with the loading bar at 75%

Im just getting no character found quickly over and over

same problem here also on whitemane. I was in the middle of a really good ZF group too :frowning:

Same problem. Created a new character on separate realm and it works fine. None of my Whitemane toons will load in.

LIkewise on Whitemane; likewise similar experience.

I was just about to beat the game

exact same here

Same. Whitemane as well.

Same issue here, Whitemane.

Really lame when my entire group got back in but I couldn’t. I love trying to login over and over while I attempt to play a game I subscribe to, it’s the absolute best!

Someone else must have beat you to it which is why we can’t log in! :sweat_smile:

 Same exact issue

I forgot to save the game!!! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-

Having the same problem, on whitemane too.

Same, whitemane. loads 75% then just says world server down. Can log on my alt in SW but not my gnome in in starting area.

We need a blue to post an update on this, so we know you actually are working on something.

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Same here, Whitemane.

Update: Was just able to get onto a character that had been giving this error for over and hour.

I will say that I made a new toon and that worked, I then logged out and tried my existing toons and they all work. Related or coincidence? No clue.

Waiting in a 2k queue to take a stab at it now

Fun Sunday.