Character Model Flickering in Steam Pools with NE and Nightborne Females

I didn’t see any search results of this being reported, and I don’t know when it started since I have not been to this area since at least Legion but probably before then. When the enter the small goblin building with a few gears etc in it at 70.90, 75.56 in the Steam Pools in Feralas, your character model flickers incessantly as does the model of the single goblin NPC in the building. It only occurs while both the player’s model the player’s camera are inside the building. During my testing, it only occurred when playing as Nightborne and Night Elf female/body-type-2 characters, and only those that were above level 40 (note: I don’t have any Night Elves or Nightborne between level 40 and 51, so I couldn’t test in that range): a level 51 Nightborne, a 60 Nightborne, and two 70 Night Elves exhibited the issue, but level 40 Night Elf and 20 Nightborne did not. Switching the those Night Elf and Nightborne characters to male at the barber caused the flickering to not happen. I also checked on a female Dark Iron Dwarf, a female Human, a female Highmountain Tauren, and a female Blood Elf and those did not have the flickering issue. I tested with add-ons and without any add-ons enabled. It happens both with graphics set at 10 (with CMAA and 8x MSAA) and at 1 (with AA off) and in DX11, DX11 Legacy, and DX12.

Examples (hidden behind a details tag in case the strobing is detrimental to anyone)

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