Character model controversy

In the latest ban wave for botters and such, would seem Blizzard also banned a substantial amount of people using “mods” that alter their character appearance. Whilst I understand it’s said to be against ToS, this was tolerated since Vanilla/TBC, and the sudden 6 month ban for a few friends of mine is a bit too harsh in my opinion, no warning of any sort and some were using model mods for years. To see some people you play with, who are reason you log on, to be banned for 6 months and give up on the game is quite shocking to say the least.


I think six months is too harsh, however, it is against the ToS, and they may not be able to distinguish between someone just altering their character for looks and someone else swapping out models for herb/ore nodes or an arena pillar with something else in order to gain a gameplay advantage.

I agree a warning should have been given. I read about players that had the program downloaded but hadn’t actually touched it or anything getting the ban.




Oh dear…
Well from what I hear it was tolerated for over a decade, and a sudden 6 month ban without warning… ouch.


In Blizzard’s eyes, anything the ToS outlines as a violation is the warning. No further warning is required, since it was all laid out the first time you loaded the game.

It’s lame that it gets tolerated for so long and then they decide to take action, but technically we have all been warned of the consequences should we stray from the confines of the ToS agreement.


Don’t do the crime, if you can’t do the time.


R.I.P. ya pervs lol.

(I’m just joking! I don’t care what other people do with their virtual bodies.)


I seem to remember another ban wave for this kind of thing during either WoD or Legion. Personally I don’t see the issue with model swaps and reskins for characters, but I can also see how it can create an unfair advantage in some situations, for example I read somewhere that in the past people have changed mining node models to be the size of a mountain to make them more visible from farther away.


This is more or less the case. There’s no supported or protected means of changing things. If you bypass the game to change one thing, you could theoretically use that bypass to change anything.


You mean like the ToS that every player has to agree to before being able to play.

I have 0 sympathy for people who break the rules. Anyone with common sense should have known altering models is against ToS.

Why it took until now for blizzard to do something about idk. Maybe they have a new guy in charge of enforcing the ToS that has less tolerance for this stuff or something.


Maybe Blizzard should consider why people would want to mod game model files. The current character customization is not the greatest. Hell even certain transmogs are only available to NPCs because Blizzard seems to hate the idea of players having their characters look good or unique. Maybe I just want plain glasses like some of the NPCs. Is that too much to ask?


My guess is they were okay with turning a blind eye when it was just for personal appearance modifications, but more and more people were using it for gameplay advantages (nodes, arenas, etc.) and so they felt they had to act against users of the offending software.


Imagine getting banned for six months because you needed that big tiddie mod for your goldshire rp


Were they though? I know people used it for harmless stuff all the time but I didn’t even know that was a thing.

I kind of judge both parties in this situation lol


obviously that’s an exploit, and I agree. I don’t mod the game personally besides conventional addons. but I do understand why people would want to. Hell, there are a ton of things I’d like to change about the game if I could.


As I understand it people were modding nodes to make them more visible/visible beyond the typical range limits/etc.


There is no controversy, people broke the rules and were punished.


Seems weird to bother with when you can see it on your mini map, or just follow a node route guide on a second screen.
Not saying people weren’t doing this, just kinda seems like a ‘why bother’. getting characters to look the way you want them to seems much more likely.

Come on…is it too much to ask for people to take responsibility for their actions and their choices?
You cheat…you have no room to cry.