I have encountered some issues regarding my character - Moody on the Saurfang server. Also Ydoom, also on Saurfang
Using the search function on the World of Warcraft website for my character results in my characters actually not being listed. However I am able to see my character in the armory if I search for my guild or access my profile from the forum
All my account wide achievements have disappeared from those characters
Moody - Saufang
Ydoom - Saurfang
Compare that to my other characters such as:
moodyfox - saurfang
floofybooper - saurfang
- There have been issues relating to my mythic plus dungeon runs also disappearing from my armory profile and as a flow on effect has affected my score on the raider io site (I understand this is a third party website but the data comes from here)
I have only run into these issues since the Saurfang-Nagrand-Caelestrasz realm connection occurred.
I am hoping that something can be done to rectify this
Thanks for reading
I wanted to post direct links as per the guidelines but I wasn’t allowed too. My apologies