Anyone else having problems with their warband/character list? I keep my characters organized from highest to lower levels, but after playing a few rounds of plunderstorm, my character list appears to be in a completely random order.
Isn’t it obvious? Blizz doesn’t like us
Yeah that is happening to a lot of people including me. After I fixed my list I stopped switching game modes with the menu at the top and always log completely out of the game after Plunderstorm before i log into my retail characters. Not sure if that’s really a workaround but it hasn’t happened to me again. Could just be lucky.
No, the new character select screen is GREAT
My characters never shift on the list, I never have to reorganize them!
The character select screen was flawed and always had problems before the war band screen. This was a change that was much needed and applauded by the majority of the WoW community, and actually the gaming community at large!
WoW never has technical difficulties. They have had 20 years to smooth out the kinks!
Way to go. Another move toward the abyss
This happen to me earlier. I played Plunderstorm all night and then when I logged today my characters were out of place. It was weird.
It sure is, because I don’t put characters in the favorites section so it looks like it’s always looked.
Except it’s not divided by server anymore so if you only play on one server, it’s the same, but if you play on multi, you get this giant mess of a list .
How do you get yours back to the old character list, where it was separated by server? I’d be down to get back to that.
Just pull the 4 down out of favorites, and minimize favorites. It looks old school, but every character from every server will be there.
And I doubt this will stop the plunder storm from plundering your list.