Character list issues and UI annoyances

There are really are some things that need fixing.

  1. The Character List is very large. Is there no option to reduce its size, it currently takes up almost 1/4 of the screen.

  2. How about some filter options? I have characters on a bunch of servers but the character list does not indicate what characters are on what servers (including a few on US servers along with my normal Oceanic ones). To find out I have to mouse over them to see a small notification of their server. The ability to filter and list in alphabetical order or server order or even class order would be nice.

Altering things for the account wide situation is fine but how about adapting it to enable it to be easier to use?

Then there is the UI issues. Apart from the known action bar problems, there is the fact that the UI sizes are completely messed up. And currently it seems I have to reset it to make it bearable on every single character. Why isn’t it holding across the account, surely that is the sort of thing that a warband connection should be able to do?