Character is stuck

I had a bad connection at my ISP this morning. They went down. I flew from Isle of Dorn ,as it seemed empty of all npcs, to the Ringing Deeps. As soon as I zoned to Ringing Deeps I disconnected. Now my character keeps disconnecting when i try to log in to it.

I got glitched through the ground in the ringing deeps. I am unable to use the .stuck command or use a hearthstone. The game loads to a point anf insta dc…

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Since it is the beta, I do what I do in all alphas and betas when this problem happens, submit a bug report and then DELETE that toon, copy another one in to replace it. This sort of stuff happens often and yet usually gets fixed before launch.

mm watcha say

Yeah sounds like the same issue. The game has no clue where you are at so instant disconnect.

I am not sure why you would delete the character and why you emphasized that point?
Of course we report this in game. Since it is a beta they should be practicing how to restore glitched characters as well. And also, I know there is an anti glitch program in place to “ground” characters. This is the time to practice, not when corrupting the live files is on the line. So, I report in game and in forums to give them ever opportunity to practice fixing and check auto fix software if they can. If this was someone’s main on live, they would be so frustrated even losing a minute of game time. Tickets take weeks to resolve at launch. So, these are probably the most important things to report and follow up on. Deleting the character deleted the opportunity that I hope blizzard is working towards.

And as for Blizzard, it did not reset my position after leaving the character alone over night.